TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

AI Cars

In today’s society, driverless cars have been a big topic around the world. They are mainly known for the harmful things that they do, however, these types of cars stay popular and cause an abundance of complications for today’s society. Self-driving cars can be described as a vehicle that uses a large amount of artificial intelligence, tons of sensors, cameras, radars, and more. These cars have sensors, cameras, and radars vehicles of the same nature are allowed to go about in the community by sensing the vehicle’s surroundings without a human being driving the vehicle. One quote I found that supports this is “Ultrasonic sensors in the wheels detect curbs and other vehicles when parking. Sophisticated software then processes all this sensory input, plots a path, and sends instructions to the car’s actuators, which control acceleration, braking, and steering” (Synopsys). This quote shows what sensors are being used and what they do out in the real world when dealing with driverless vehicles.

Some current problems and limitations are cars possibly being hacked or security overridden, people losing their jobs (such as taxi drivers, or any other transportation drivers), the cost of these vehicles in general, technology errors, the rate of accidents, and more. Some quote that supports this is ” Machine error must be taken into consideration when examining the pros and cons of driverless cars. While most agree self-driving cars will likely prevent more accidents from happening, it does not completely eliminate the risk of accidents caused by machine error. Furthermore, if the software or any part of the vehicle fails, an autonomous vehicle could put the driver in more danger than if the driver was to personally take control of the vehicle” and ” While self-driving cars may produce significant societal cost-savings in the long-term, the initial cost of automated vehicles may be astronomical. Some experts estimate it could cost an additional $250,000 per vehicle to own a fully autonomous vehicle. Of course, as new technology matures, cost should come down. In the early stages, however, the barrier to entry may be too high for the general population” (Valinente Mott). Both of these quotes show the current problems in these machines and how these have a big impact on us wanting to buy them and have them in our community, and the safety risks they cause.

In today’s world, driverless cars are being put to use by both the young and the elderly to get them from point A to point b. The self-driving cars that are out in our society today have many defaults and many problems that are yet solved, and may never be. I personally would never get into one of these machines knowing how much they could do wrong. It seems too dangerous and risky knowing what I know today, maybe someday in the future when I’m old and senile ill convert to this, but I wouldn’t until then nor would I let my children. Anything could happen and since the idea of self-driving cars is still pretty new that causes more concerns. I’m sure they do some good, but not enough.

Driverless car technology” by Department for Transport (DfT) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.,acceleration%2C%20braking%2C%20and%20steering.


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