TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Caller Rather Than Texting

I believe that calling is better than texting. The reason for this is that you can hear the other person’s tone of voice, you can go more in-depth, the conversation goes by faster and you can get your information out quicker and more efficiently.

My very first reason is that you can hear the other person’s tone of voice which makes it easier to have a thorough conversation. Sometimes people don’t use proper punctuation which can make things confusing. Whereas if you are on the phone talking to someone you can hear if they are asking a question, making a statement, or even if they are mad, happy, or sad. This helps confusion which indeed makes the conversation go more efficiently. Some might say it’s easier to text because you can just be very vague but in most situations, when someone asks a question there is a follow-up question involved. Personally, when someone asks me a question over text after I answer the question I tend to put my phone down thinking the conversation is over but then there is a follow-up question that I don’t answer and end up answering in time. This would not happen over a phone call.

My second reason to believe this is because over the phone you can go more in-depth. When telling stories or even just engaging in a conversation well enough you’re going to have to talk a lot and share your perspective/ideas. This tends to be easier when you can verbally say it instead of typing it out. Most stories make way more sense when you can put your tone of voice into them and go in-depth. It makes the story better and easier to follow, especially when you can tell little side stories while telling one big story.

Lastly, the conversation goes by quicker and more efficiently, it is also more professional. When jobs are looking for teen workers they want to know if you can take the initiative and call them to follow up on your application/resume. It makes you look and sound more professional which would be someone they would want to hire. The conversation over the phone would go by quickly and efficiently because when they ask you questions you answer them all at once and it takes less time rather than typing it all out. You also can’t show enthusiasm or anything over text, other than using an exclamation point which sometimes doesn’t get the point straight as well as your tone of voice could.

In conclusion, I believe that calling is better than texting. I have many reasons to believe this from personal stories and experiences. I also believe that when you are younger you are more likely to text rather than to cal,l but this will change once you begin to be an adult. In a more professional setting like a work setting or even making appointments you are going to need to call to be able to do this and be successful. It is better to start calling rather than texting when you are younger so that when you are older you know what to do and you have better social skills.

Old British telephones” by DanBrady is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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