TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

First Time Meeting

Laughter is something that everyone will experience in their lifetime. I have made many connections with people that have made me experience laughter one way or another in my lifetime. Anyone can make you laugh and make you feel laughter. I have made many connections with others through laughter. Laughter is such a powerful gift that can bring people together in the most silliest of ways.

I am a senior in high school now and I have made my choice that I want to be a Radiologist this upcoming college school year. I was very picky with the schools I was looking at, some were not very eye catching and I alomost changed my career path because of it but then I stumbled on a school close to home so I could stay home for my college experience without paying student loans I did not want to pay for. When I was searching for colleges with my mom and she asked me “Lilly, do you think this school will be everything you are looking for? and I immediately exclaimed “Yes! I feel like this school is perfect because they will guarentee and job straight after college!” I immediately signed up for Maine College of Health Professions. This was my one and only choice for school because I genuinely thought I found the most perfect school ever!

I then had to go through many processes with this college. I had to take a series of tests such as English, Math, and Writing for them to see where to put me and see what my skill level is for learning. I was in very close contact with the admissions counselor to make sure that everything was all set for my exams. I was always contacting her saying “I just want to double check and make sure I got anything done on my end for you to process my application.” because the application process was so difficult. At one point she emailed me back saying “You’re all set. We will process your application soon.”

About a month later I got an email stating that I had an interview with the one and only college I wanted to go to! I was nervous for sure. I walked into this beautiful building with a giant staircase and waited by the desk out front where nobody was sitting in the chair. I waited for a second until this girl about my age 18, with blonde hair and a very shiny nose piercing. I noticed that right away because it was very shiny on her nose. I asked her “so, what’s your name?” and she said “Kenzie, what’s yours? and I told her “my names Lilly, it is very nice to meet you!” and I shook her hand. Kenzie and I immediately clicked. Then we started to talk about what schools we went to for highschool and what we would both do if we both got into college together and she felt liek someone I had known for a while. Kenzie then said “we could defenitely go get scrubs together duh!” and we both were laughing histarically about what Kenzie had just said. We then had someone come down to get us for our interview and we went up the staircase and we sat down at a table with three other woman in the room listening to what we had to say for questions. you could tell we were both nervous. The first thing they asked us both was “do you guys know eachother?” or “how long have you guys known eachother?” Kenzie and I both look at eachother and say “well about 5 minutes down stairs.” and everyone in the room started laughing because they thought that we have known eachother longer than 5 minutes by the way we were just so comfortable and joyful around eachother.

A week or so passes and Kenzie and I are patiently wiating to see if we got into college together. First Kenzie gets in and I’m super happy for her because this is a huge accomplishment for her. I hadn’t heard anything back yet from the college. Kenzie and I were bummed because we were not sure weather I had gotten in or not. I emailed the admissions counselor because I was constantly emailing her anyways and asked if I had gotten in. It was a email malfunction and I had not gotten the email. But I did get in! I immediately told Kenzie and she was more excited than I was I feel like and Kenzie then said “well now we can live out our dreams of getting scrubs together!” and we both started to laugh.

Laughter had brought Kenzie and I closer. Kenzie and I barely knew eachother and when we first met but laughing together had brought us closer in the little time we got to know eachother. Laughter is very powerful in my mind to bring one another closer to eachother. Kenzie and I would ahve been very awkward with eachother if we did not start laughing like we did. I’m very glad that laughter had brought Kenzie and I together and now we finally get to get scrubs together for clincals!

That’s what I call friendship..” by Bhavna Sayana is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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