TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Need More Time

Starting to prepare for college can be very stressful but also exciting. There are many steps to figuring out what you want to do in college. At the same time, it is exciting because this is one step closer to what your life is going to be like. Being able to start planning for college early can be very helpful and less stressful. Having more time to figure out what you want to do with your life can help you in the long run.

usually, you don’t start planning for college till your senior year. Which doesn’t give students and even parents enough time. Students have schoolwork, sports, and even jobs to worry about. So trying to ask seniors to start planning their lives during a very stressful time is not helpful. There are a lot of steps for figuring out college. Figuring out what you want to major in, then what college you want to apply for, filling out applications, then waiting for what seems to be a lifetime to see if you got into your dream college. Even after all of this, there are more steps for college. Obvaslly college is very expensive so you need to apply for scholarships. Sometimes applying for scholarships can be easy but other times you need to write a thousand-word essay about your dog. Which can take a lot of time when you have other this going on. After you get into your college they have stuff you need to fill out like financial aid if want to live on campus or not, who you want to room with, and if you want to start your college experience early. All of these don’t sound that hard but it can take up time if you are having technical issues or you are busy.

All of these are a lot for people so being able to start early with college planning can be very beneficial. If we could start at the beginning of our Junior year this will help stress levels and have the feeling of being excited about the next chapter of our lives. Yes, some people don’t know what they want to do with their lives in their junior year, even if you don’t know you can still start the steps towards college. So when they do decide what they want to do they are not super stressed out. If I was allowed more time to figure out what I want I would have taken it. This year has been so stressful between school, sports, and college stuff. Only having a few months to figure everything out for college was a lot and I wish I had more time. I would have applied to more colleges and more scholarships. At the end of this year, things did work out but none of the stress was needed. If I could start planning my Junior year I feel like I would have been able to do more things and enjoy them if I didn’t have some many steps for college.

I do think that students should have more time to plan their college life and future. Senior year should be the best year and the most fun. I think that there shouldn’t be a lot of stress for seniors regarding steps for college. If Seniors are able to start planning for college earlier their senior would be more enjoyable. We already have a lot going on with sports, jobs, and most importantly schoolwork. I think that it’s a good idea to give more time to students. No one should be rushed when they are planning their life.

Gradution 2017” by Nottingham Trent University is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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