TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

H Mac’s Ads & More

My social media advertisements are very complicated. I have never been able to understand or figure out just quite yet why, possibly because I am a complicated person, or maybe because a bizarre search history of the most random things ever throws advertisers for a loop. The curiosity of why ads are so random, and sometimes senseless will remain unanswered. The type of ads I see on my social media on a day to day basis result in a lot of diesel engine performance parts and companies, dirt bike parts, and hat companies. Although those examples of my advertisements make sense to who I am, some throw me for a loop such as athletic apparel for running, perhaps advertisers are trying to say I need cardio? I also tend to get a lot of advertisements for movies and streaming services, this doesn’t make complete sense to me because I am not a huge movie type of a guy or even TV, I much rather be outside turning wrenches or hanging with buddies.

Based on my advertisement identity, advertisers must think I am a mechanic who wears athletic apparel to work and really enjoys wearing hats, eating lots of cereal and maybe even some movie breaks when work gets slow. Oh right I forgot to mention, I get advertisements about cereal daily, it is sorta contradictory because I do not even have time in the morning to eat breakfast. Although advertisers are partially correct to who I am, they might be making some assumptions about my interests and likes. I am an 18 year old guy that is a Diesel Mechanic working at a construction shop that easily has enough hats to wear one for every day of the month but decides not to. I ride dirt bikes as a hobby and work on diesel trucks on the performance side as a job and hobby. My life basically consists of work, buddies, sleep, and repeat. Advertisers definitely have the mechanic related part right about me but not so much the food and movies idea they are throwing around.

There are many examples of my social media activity I could use to compare to my outside life, but first I must start off with the ads that just make no complete sense at all. These confusing advertisements definitely include the food ads, I know everybody eats food so it makes sense in that aspect but they really filter it down to specifically being cereal ads. If advertisers are throwing ads about cereal the least they can do is make it about the good cereals not the boring bland cheerios and wheaties. On that topic of the boring and bland but healthier side of cereal, they try to throw shade at me with athletic wear. It is so unbelievable. Those are a couple examples of advertisements that make me react with the most confusion. On another note though there are a lot of advertisements that suck me in for hours, performance parts for my truck tend to be one. These ads make complete sense to me because I am always reading forums trying to learn new things about engines or always searching for the next newest modification to do to my truck. It is almost like advertisers know I love to make terrible financial decisions so they keep throwing it at me knowing I will break and end up spending a lot of money on something I really did not even need. Those are the types of ads that make complete sense to me because if I am not spending my own money then I am spending company money. It relates to my outside of social media activities because I am always wrenching on something, odds are if I am not at work wrenching then I am with my friends… wrenching. If I happen to not be with them either then I am probably home working on my dirt bike, or maybe surprisingly doing my schoolwork.

Cold War Propaganda Ad, Good Housekeeping Magazine” by Mr. Beaverhousen is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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