TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Senior Esse

First, let me start off by saying this speech might be bad, I wrote this whole thing last night running on spaghetti, milk, and water. These years we spent in high school were magically stressful for each continuous year forward. Each day I would wake up to get ready for school, only to fall back asleep because I swear to you the bed was calling my name in a sweet serenade. Eventually waking up on time I would overthink about the day to come and worry myself into a distressed state. 

I felt fear and worry every year, month, week, and day during my life in high school because of a mountain of distrust of others during my younger years. When I was 11-12 years old I had someone to call my girlfriend, and we spent ample time together. But nearing the end of 8th grade I was going to hang out with my girlfriend at the tennis court where we usually meet because she was a tennis player. When I got to the court she ended the relationship in the most horrible way possible. She called out her new boy and told me word for word “This was fun but, you were just an experiment to see what cheating on someone felt like. And I must say, it was exhilarating.” These words changed the way I trust people and it went further down when I turned my back to walk away and her new guy threw a pocket knife into my back. The funny thing is I was stabbed in the back metaphorically and physically, both of which imaginably hurt, and I got freedom when he was arrested. I learned the hard way that giving blind trust to someone will reward you, so you should never trust blindly or in the same well something close to what happened to me could occur. 

Back to senior year, the best thing I experienced was getting new teachers that actually helped me solve something rather than giving the answers, which was good but getting answers was pretty good as well. These teachers made me rethink how I lived my life with the wind and regret all the moments I passed by. If I could, I would rewind my life and force myself to work on my procrastination and fix a disease I developed called ‘senioritis’ so I would have a more successful future. Not all of the high school was bad, my favorite parts are the helpful teachers, the nice student body, classes that give students more freedom, wearing earphones all day for music (though it was mostly for decoration), using phones once work is done, leaving early if you got study hall, teachers let me sleep, teachers had fun activities and games to wake the class up, and teacher and student friendship. 

My favorite teacher is Mr. Young because he is the only one I know where talking about an incestuous relationship is considered normal. There was one other English teacher that was first place and he became a meme for the school. My homeroom teacher was English and we came up with a way to forever make him a meme for the school, which was to place his face on a shirt. The teacher saw the shirt and said we can keep it only if we all pass the next test, and we all did so the shirt came to be. The shirt was so popular that we at school had a single day where all students wore the same shirt. I do hope the school still has the shirt but my class left and possibly the tradition. 

I hope the final days of high school are like my teacher shirt stunt and everyone has a good time, making jokes, and saving tears. Moving into college with the lessons I learned in high school is going to be a grand accomplishment if I can leave my laziness behind and step outside of my comfort zone doing things to better myself and the others around me.

butter knife wound” by amlibrarian is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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