TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Preparing for College

I believe that preparing for college is necessary because doing homework, essays, and even having strict deadlines are important factors in getting ready for college. In high school, some teachers either have very easy assignments that take 5 minutes to do whereas other teachers have assignments that take hours or maybe even days to complete because they know you’re not going to get easy assignments in college or in the real world. You’re going to have to use your brain and really think about what the correct answers are and it’s helping prepare your brain for these things to happen, whether it’s a tough decision you need to make or even just what kind of hairstyle you want to do that day. This will make college easier for you if you already know what is expected from you and you’ve already done those things before. When prepping for college this will make it easier for you and you will be more successful because you will already know what you’re doing. This will also help you know what you want to major in because you can look back on what caught your eye and what you enjoyed when doing the homework. You might find more interest in one subject than you do in another and that will help you know what you want to do when you’re older.

Some kids may have a different opinion being that doing the amount of homework you are gonna get in college is going to burn you out. In reality, doing these homework assignments or reading that play or book you think is stupid is really helping you. How are you going to know how to write a 5-page essay or speech if you haven’t had the practice or any knowledge on how to do it? I personally hate doing assignments like essays but I do them because I know it is going to help me prepare for what I need to know in college. If you don’t have homework or any hard assignments how are you going to do them during the time it matters most? Most colleges have you write an essay to even get into the college, but if you don’t know how to write a good quality essay how are you going to accomplish that? Preparing for college early is very important, sometimes it can be a lot but it is all worth it.

Talking about all of these reasons it is important I would like to say that I strongly believe that it is important to have structure and hard homework assignments if it means that it is preparing you for college. Without it, I would feel useless and clueless when asked to do something that I should know how to do but don’t. Doing homework and essays, and even having strict deadlines is an important factor in getting ready for college.

Laptop Keyboard” by Baddog_ is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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