TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ads! No One Likes Them, but Everyone Wastes Money on Them

Pop-up ads are everywhere online on almost every social media platform but do not always match our real personalities but match our advertising personality. What’s the difference between the two and how can we differentiate the two?  Sometimes an ad doesn’t hit your real personality which is the style and things you like to do. Your advertising personality is connected with the same age, gender, and any medical problem one may have basically sent out to a group of people you happen to fall in with, but it’s just not your thing. Do you believe that your ads are targeted at your real personality or your ad identity?

My most common ad to pop up is a portable period heating pack, but is it targeted at my personality or my advertising personality?  I am a female and happen to be over 13 so I’m the more likely to be getting my period although not every female does and the ads want to hit their target audience for the most sales so I do feel that one is a good representation. Another very frequent pop-up ad I received is an H&M ad, but you have to think, is it targeted at my personality or my advertising personality? Is this ad a good representation of me accurately? This one is not a good representation of my personality because it isn’t my style and it’s not part of my real personality. It was more than likely targeted at my age group. I’ve never been to H&M, a well-known clothing store, and I don’t plan on it. My personality it’s not my style, therefore it is far off from my real personality. It is not something I enjoy personally. This means the ad doesn’t go with what I need or want but, targeted my advertising personality because it targeted the right age and gender. It’s just not something I personally want, meaning ads could apply to either one of your personalities.  The final example I’m going to use , is a college pop-up ad that has infected my feed on all platforms. We’ve all seen this happen but, is it targeted at my personality: something I want /need or my advertising personality, something that’s my age and gender group normally wants? Well, I’m 18 and getting toward the end of my high school years so college ads are popping up. Yes, the demographic makes sense and they are probably trying to get more people to go to college they hit their targeted demographic but this represents more of my advertising personality for me because this ad was far off from my real identity due to it not being something I plan on doing or want but is far closer to my ad identity because it doesn’t connect to me and is targeting my age group it just doesn’t connect with me personally.  

Ads are everywhere. Ads are personalized on social media platforms to reach a targeted group to make the most money. As I stated before,  I do feel the ads represent me well, just not perfectly. There are always going to be ads that pop up that we aren’t going to want or like, so some ads will represent your personality and some will represent your advertising personality because of the age and gender category you’re put into.

All about Cookies website under magnifying glass” by wuestenigel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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