TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Final Words

In my opinion work ethic is the most important thing a person has. It is something that can’t always be taught to another person. It’s something that a person is born with. Some have this trait and others don’t. Throughout high school i have been tasked with lots of assignments and the due dates. Both my parents were always nagging me about getting good grades and work done on time so naturally I get my work done well and on time.

However there are exceptions to this. I’m currently writing this a day before I have to speak despite getting it assigned around a week ago. It’s my last assignment of senior year. I think it could be a little late. But before this I always had my work done on time and to my best ability. This has helped me through high school by letting me not have to worry about the weight and mental strain of piled up school work. I have never really had to worry about not passing a class due to missing work. Others cannot say the same even those who have better grades than me often didn’t get it done on time.

On the topic of time, high school has taught me to cherish small moments because someday you’re gonna be there and you’re gonna miss it. I remember when I was a freshman on the football team I was at the sensor game for that year and I felt that it was so far away from me that I never had to worry about being there. But I also remember that this past year I heard my name get called over the loud outside speakers as well as my parents names and when I went up to give my mother flowers before the game nothing felt real. There I was front and center of something I never thought about .

Another example of cherishing the small things is my relationship with the weightroom. It’s a very love hate one but more of a hate. I hate waking up every morning to sweat in a muggy, smelly, humid, dusty, basement. But I will never get the privilege of working out down there ever again. I hated waking up and dragging along all day and I sure did hate walking out to the door in the cold winter mornings but it’s something I’m glad I made myself do. It’s made me a gritty person. Despite not waking up, I will however miss that gross basement full of old rusty and chipped weights for some odd reason. It’s something that’s part of my schedule and it’s gonna feel weird this summer without it. It also gave me the chance to compete at a higher level of sports and has also granted me self confidence.

Another thing that I learned from high school is have fun. I never really learned to have fun in high school until my Junior and Senior year. Being a new freshman as well as a sophomore I was afraid of what peers would think of me if I did something. But now I don’t care if I go to a dance I dance and I don’t really care who’s around looking at me because I’m having fun. I play sports and workout and talk about sports and working out all the time some people say that I’m stuck in high school but it doesn’t matter because that’s what makes me happy and that’s what I enjoy doing so I’m going to talk about it. As previously stated I never really learned how to have fun until my Junior and Senior year of high school when I started hanging out with new people and trying new things. Some of the stuff I do on weekends now consist of just hanging out with people going places and doing random stuff. Freshman and sophomore me would have never felt comfortable enough to hang out with new people like I do now. Which brings me to my next point: try and meet new people. I still have the same friends I hung out with in middle school but I’m also part of different friend groups. Some people I’d never thought I’d be friends with or hang out with I now hang out with. Meeting new people has opened me up to new experiences and has allowed me to look into my own life and reflect on good decisions and bad decisions in it. Meeting new people is important too because it allows you to see differences between you and someone else. Meeting new people can often lead to you becoming more accepting of other people’s experiences and lifestyles.

As I walk the hallways I realize I will never see most of these people ever again as well as some of the teachers and coaches and I’m not sure how to feel. It’s a new chapter in my life that I’m forced to be ready for no matter how I feel. I’m not good at expressing how I feel so that makes this last final assignment difficult for no reason.

The Graduates” by Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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