TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Goodbye Oak Hill

As the last semester of high school is coming to a close, I look back and see all of the procrastination I’ve done, all of the missing work and summative that I would do in summer school, telling myself that I would pass next year and not have to go to school in summer. So far I had to go to summer school for my freshman year and junior year for Math and English. While this is very embarrassing, it also gave me a glimpse into my personality. I was just a teenager saying that I would get things done, I would do all of my work and finish it in the days that followed after receiving the assignments.

So far my time management skills have not served me well, I still find that I put my work off until the last second possible. With me writing this the night before I have to do this speech. I’ve never actually tried to go above and beyond, always trying to put work off to the side telling myself I’ll do it tomorrow, again and again. I guess this is one of the more important lessons that I have learned in high school, no matter the work assigned and how daunting it looks at that moment, it’s always best to do the work right then and there. Another lesson I’ve learned is that it’s insanely hard to finish assignments in the last 3 days you have left. As I leave this school for the last time, hopefully, to never look back at it again. I realize that even though I despised my entire time I was in the school. I still learned something very valuable though. That some people think Hamlet has an Oedipus complex.

CCO licensed photo by richiedeane1 from the WordPress Photo Directory.


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