TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

How to Not Get your Work Done

How to Not Get Your Work Done

Every year in English class I have procrastinated to get my work done. Constantly saying “I’ll get it done later it’s no biggie.” Then fast forward to the end of the year and I have practically nothing done aside from things at the beginning of the year, including this year. That has happened almost every year. Usually resulting in summer school for me. Almost every year without fail this has happened. I just get too distracted by things at home to be able to concentrate on completing schoolwork resulting in a crunch of doing it all in the last final months of the school year. Somehow, I have managed to get it all done in time but usually its at the last second. Freshman year I completely failed English, but was given a chance to have my grade changed just by doing vocabulary work in a workbook. Sophomore year went better and I actually was able to get everything done on time without needing extra help or summer school. Junior year everything was going well up until the Visions of War Unit. That one was quite difficult for me because of the topic. I ended up having to go to summer school for that unit and completed it. Now Senior year, Once again procrastinating all year long. Even as of writing this I don’t have it done yet (Hopefully when i’m reading this everything will be). One thing I have learned that I will take with me into college and into the future is to not procrastinate and get my work done. If i don’t do that what chances do I have of getting a degree in the field I wish to go into. Knowing me, I will most likely procrastinate on the English course in college, I’m sure of it. But I just have to keep reminding myself that if I don’t get it done then everything will come crashing down on top of me at the end of the year and I most likely won’t finish my first year whatsoever. Keep something in mind to motivate me, to keep myself successful. I want to Succeed. So how about I try a couple things so I don’t end up constantly procrastinating. The first step would be to get any work that has been assigned done before I do anything else. That way I have more time to do what I enjoy rather than putting it all off until there’s no time to do the work, and then be doing it all and then not having any time to enjoy my hobbies. Second would be to ask for help when I’m stuck. Whether it be from a friend or from the professor themself, Find somebody who can assist me when I’m stuck. I don’t want to end up a college dropout. I don’t think anybody does. I don’t need that stress in college. But who knows. Anything can happen when you’re off on your own. I could lead a normal life, Working a 9-5 day job, sleep, wake up, and repeat for the rest of my life. I could lead a highly successful life, own my own business or just have a lucrative career. Actually do something with my life instead of just wasting it away sitting at my desk playing video games. All in all, All I want to do is succeed in life.

Burning Schoolwork” by dr-scott is marked with CC0 1.0.


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