TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


I’ve made a lot of mistakes throughout high school and I’ll probably make a lot in college too. I think the biggest mistake I made while in high school was thinking that people were going to be nicer than they were. In middle school, everyone kept to themselves but in high school they started to pick apart things that you do.

It seems like going from middle to high school people completely changed and the people who I thought were my friends weren’t anymore. The friends I had then are now people who I don’t really know anymore and won’t see again after graduation. Some of them aren’t in school anymore and everyone has suddenly changed. 

I hope that in college it will be very different people will be more grown up than they are now and things will change.

I’m leaving everyone I know and going 5 hours away. If I learn from my mistakes and know that people can turn against me and that I have to take some time to find the people who I’ll connect with like the friends I have now. I know now that when I get to college I’ll lose a lot of friends but at the same time I’ll gain some too. I’ll miss the people I have now but I know that I’ll meet new people and have a way better time.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes throughout high school but another mistake I made is thinking that it wasn’t important to get great grades and that I would rather just have a good time with my friends than focus on what I’m actually supposed to be doing. Now that I learned that the hard way I know to focus more on going to classes and getting good grades. After my junior year, I learned that getting good grades is better than just focusing on talking to friends and not doing my work. I know now that I have to focus more on the things that are most important to me than the things that might not last forever.

Now that I’m going to college I know the best way to get stuff done and that I need to focus more on what I need to be doing than making friends and doing things that I may regret later in life. I feel like now that I learned that lesson the hard way I’ll know what to do when I get to college and know how to succeed in life. 

Another mistake I’ve made is thinking that procrastinating will work out in the end, I was very very wrong when it came to this. I learned that by the end of the year waiting to do everything last may have worked the first years of high school but now that it’s my senior year I procrastinated and now I feel like I’m struggling to get things done before Friday, May 26th. 

In college, I now know not to wait until the last minute to do something or I won’t pass. I know I’ll make friends and have a good time but I still need to focus on what I really need to do and not procrastinate. I can’t keep looking at the past and I need to grow up and understand how different things will be when I get there. 

It’s less than a week away until we are out of this high school and I feel like it will be a great thing for everyone. It’s crazy to think how fast this year has gone by. Like walking through the door on the first day of freshman year not knowing where anything is, and looking around trying to find where to go and having to stop right next to the library and look at the map that has all of the room numbers on it and where they are. And soon when you walk out those doors for the last time you’re now beginning a new chapter in your life and starting over knowing all of the things you’ve learned in high school. 

Yes, it may be sad but it will also be so much better being out of high school and moving on with life, going to college or taking a different path. Either way, it will be a very big change and a way better one. It’s going to be a big difference and it’s going to be a difficult one but it will be way better than being in high school. 

In the end, I’ve learned a lot from all the mistakes I’ve made and I know how to make a difference in myself when I get to college I’m beyond excited to get out of this school and move on with my life. It may be scary but I know that it will be for the best and that it will be so much better than being in high school. So let’s make sure we’re ready to open new doors for our future, take on challenges without procrastination, and be careful to not trust false friends. And with that good luck everyone.

Graduation Day” by kevin dooley is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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