TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

“So, I Met This Person During A Science Test”

It was a summer day around May of last year. My friends had all been assigned to different classrooms to take the State Assigned test and so I was all alone in a classroom at the back of the class when all of a sudden, four people walked in. Maisy, Audrey, Peyton, and Mars. I thought they would avoid me and sit farther to the big windows that grace the Language wing but instead, they sat right in front of me. I always made sure I never embarrassed myself in front of them or did something that made them laugh at me or snicker behind their hands because I thought they were honestly too cool for me. Especially Mars. 

Backstory on me and Mars, we sat together one day during Economics class Junior year, and at first, I thought she was new. However, to my knowledge now, they were not. We both complimented each other’s shoes very awkwardly and I thought that would be the end of it. It wasn’t and I could’ve never been more grateful. Since the beginning of Junior year, I always wanted to be Mars’s friend, I thought they had the coolest outfits and the sickest shoes but my mind always made me think it would be stupid to ask Mars to be friends as they would probably just make a face and say ‘no’ and walk off or I’d just be a complete and utter blubbering mess and I really wanted to look cool.

This question of ‘Do you want to be friends?’ that had been on my mind since the start of junior year seemed like it would never come to fruition. I’d pass Mars in the halls and think ‘If only I could work up the courage to ask the question’ but let Mars pass every time. I would hear her in the back of the class laughing with Lexi and get jealous and wish that I could be back there making Mars laugh too. The question of asking Mars if she wanted to be my friend made me feel so stupid sometimes. My brain would like to repeat back to me ‘Why would they want to be your friend anyway? She hangs out with Lexi, of course, she doesn’t want to be your friend’ so I would just retreat in my corner like I’ve done all four years of Highschool. And the question was true, why would they want to be friends with me? I didn’t wear the same style Mars wore or the same friends as she was friends with, I felt so dumb even thinking to ask her to be my friend. Every time I would even think of going up to ask her, I’d get all jittery and my arms felt like they were devoid of all mussels to make them work and my legs could give out any second. However, my thinking changed when Mars sat right next to me during the Science State Test. As soon as Mars and her friends walked in, I shrunk into my seat not wanting to bother them. When we got our envelope of log-ins for each different science part of the test, I watched Mars tear up her envelope. I sort of made a face, to myself, wondering why she would do that but then I saw her writing on it and shrugged. I turned my head to the front of the class, waiting for Ms. Gray to let us begin our test and that’s when I felt a poke to my arm…from the side of me. She handed me the piece of torn up envelope and she didn’t hear me but I said ‘Thank you’ (for some reason) but then realized it had writing on it. She wrote that she thought I was cool and wanted to be my friend which blew my mind. How could someone as cool as Mars with their amazing outfits and funny jokes think me of all people was cool? It made no sense to me. But I wrote on the back of the envelope how I really wanted to be friends and thought she was cool and since then we’ve been the bestest of friends. I can’t imagine a day when she’s not my best friend.

to my flickr family, friends and contacts – Happy Valentine’s Day!” by Ðenise is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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