TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Address-Procrastination

Hello, class of 2023, Today is one of the last days of our high school career forever. I personally meet this with sombering excitement, jubilation from our accomplishments and our future but sorrow for everything we’re putting behind us. Some of us will pursue further education and others will immediately enter the workforce for the rest of their lives. Neither of us stepping foot in this building ever again. 

Given the different paths, Every single one of us has learned some sort of lesson throughout our 4 years. My lesson is simple, do your work and take action when granted the opportunity. At least once, We’ve all procrastinated, waiting last minute for something, whether it’s taking a membean test, or writing a 3-minute speech. I personally have had senioritis all 4 years of high school

Freshman year was harsh. Having to write multiple paged essays about a book I didn’t read and learning what real homework was. Having 8 classes at a time and not knowing any teachers or most of the students. Gifted by my procrastination lifestyle, I of course struggled and barely passed. I promised myself I’d be better next year: I’d take notes, stay organized, and be on pace.

I thought Sophomore was gonna be a lot easier. I had a year’s worth of experience and Given the circumstances of covid, The work for each class was cut in half. we didn’t have to go into school for half the year. I could even wake up 2 minutes before class, and sign into google classroom while in bed. I still found a way to struggle with geometry and English. I waited till the very last moment I had to do my work. So when I barely passed I told myself I’d be better next year.

My following junior year went about how I expected it, loaded with work that was progressively getting harder. I watched my classmates 1 by 1 move to alternative, like they were trying weeding us out. Some people took the easy way out and others like myself put their heads down and did an hour of membean every day, On top of Ms. Stubb’s English essays. That was the year I finally realized my work in high school is gonna translate to my future. So I told myself I’d do better next year.

So I did just that, my senior year, my final and academically easiest year, I finally went through on my own promise I’d broken and disappointed myself with for the past 3 years. With my improved work ethic, better outlook, and tolerance for homework, senior year was the breeze I expected it to be, And  I’m confident in my future for further education.

Stanford Graduation” by saketvora is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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