TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Speech About Membean

Hello to the parents and facility that have helped us through the years of schooling we have had to endure.  My name is Elliott waltz and I am the product of the class of 2023.  My fellow students as this chapter of our lives come’s to a close we should look back apon the experiences we have had both good, and bad.  Between covid and the lovely price of gas, we have all without a doubt had some very very bad experiences but we all can agree the one that tops them all is none other than Membean.  Yes, this entire speech will be about the horror we have all experienced because of this torchieres thing they call Membean.

I was once a child full of joy and laughs, believe it or not, but this all changed once I entered high school, don’t get me wrong I loved high school until the first time I had English.  Then they introduced us to this horrible thing they called Membean and the once vibrant-looking trees turned dull the blue sky turned murky grey and the air turned cold.  From that moment on I have dreaded English and all the Membean minutes it comes with.  But I suppose if you can get over the torcher and the heartach of the dubious minutes, and find the usefulness in it, I suppose you can survive just about anything life throughs at you.

But I suppose high school wasn’t all bad it was a great place to make some new friends and have some new experiences.  Between the sporting events, our spring fling and the winter carnival there have been some great times laughing with friends and even with our teachers, well most of them the only exception would be the teacher that thought it would be beneficial to implement the Membean we don’t laugh with them because they’re just a bad person.   So as we look forward to the future and whatever it holds remember if you ever think you can’t handle something, or might not be able to live through it, you survived Membean so you can survive anything.  


retroscan_0189x_x02_05_1972####_qc_uths” by retroscans is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

greaduation 007” by danakin is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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