TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ticks are annoying

As we all know, ticks are annoying little bugs. And they love to bite and suck the blood from your body. Ticks are nasty little insects that take a great amount of care to get rid of. They seem to appear out of thin air, suddenly stuck to your skin. You might have walked in the woods earlier that day, or you could have just been walking out in a field and it decided to hitch a ride onto your leg or arms.

But on this one fateful day, my family and I had gone to the beach. It was a lake area that had a five-minute walk to actually get to the beach itself. Moreover, to get to this beach, you have to walk through the woods. I remember my other sister ended up face-planting into the ground because she tripped on a root. It was quite hilarious. We all had a fabulous time and we ended up finding a rock the perfect shape of an egg, although it was about 5 times bigger and heavier than an actual egg we ended up naming it eggy. When we got back from the beach, my older sister found a tick on the inside of her thigh.

At the time I was about six years old, and my speech impediment was still profound in my speech. Whenever I said the letter T, it sounded like a D. So naturally as my six-year-old self saw a tick, I just had to go and tell everyone else about it. So when I was telling everyone, it sounded like I was saying “Sabrina has a dick on her leg”. The confusion and the amount of laughter that this caused was astronomical. Everyone I was telling about this just looked at me quizzically, wondering what I was talking about. My mom had owned a daycare at the time so I was telling all of the staff about this interesting and weird development. In the meantime my mom was getting rid of the tick on Sabrina’s leg, clueless to the chaos and confusion that I was causing.

As she was walking inside having taken the dastardly tick off of my sister’s leg, she was greeted by one of the older staff asking why I was saying Sabrina had a dick on her leg. I remember the amount of laughter that ensued from my mother when she heard this. She was holding her sides as she laughed. She ended up letting everyone know that I meant to say Tick. My family still doesn’t let me live it down constantly teasing me whenever they find a tick on their leg.

CCO licensed photo by Eddy from the WordPress Photo Directory.


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