TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Isheehy24 love of family and hobbies

The avatar Isheehy24 made represents his personal life, hobbies, and things he enjoys. The avatar consists of a tan background that represents the beach. There is a black streak, diagonally from the bottom right corner of the box to the top left. The black streak represents his rank in martial arts. In the top right is a yellow sun that represents Isheehy24’s love for vacations in sunny places. There are six rings located in the bottom left of the avatar making up a spotify logo, with the colors of purple and blue. The purple represents Isheehy24’s girlfriend’s favorite color, the blue represents the color of the water in the ocean.

What I noticed about Isheehy24 avatar is that it symbolizes his love for the hobbies and things or people personal to him. The black streak caught my attention in a way that I thought it was a rollercoaster of some sort because of his love for vacationing. The tan color was a big thing I noticed that encompasses the whole background of the flag. One of the strong connections Isheehy24 avatar has with him is his love for vacations; it is symbolized twice in his avatar. The color blue and the yellow sun represent his love for vacations in the summer. The item that sticks out the most is the spotify logo, this item caught my attention because of the deeper meaning behind the colors that make up the logo. 

Isheehy24’s process was to put the things he loves most into his avatar. The black belt for his rank in martial arts was something that would represent what it meant to him deeply. “I work hard and show dedication” (Isheehy24). The dedication is his commitment to martial arts and it is defined in his black belt. The intent Isheehy24 had in his spotify logo was to include two colors making up his fondness for music. “I like listening to music, Spotify is the app I use” (Isheehy24). The spotify logo represents more than that though, the color purple is his girlfriend’s favorite color. The blue is the color of the ocean where he vacations in the summer. The sun, beach, and water are all included in his avatar with the three colors yellow, tan, and blue all representing a nice day at the beach. “Vacations in sunny places” (Isheehy24). 

The process Isheehy24 made in his creation of his avatar is similar to the process I made for my avatar. We both included what mattered most to us in life and managed to fit that in are avatars. The first step I started off with on my avatar was to pick the things I love most and that was winter, snowmobiling, and nature. The winter representing my love for snowmobiling and nostalgic feeling of being near a fire on a cold winter day. My love of nature is presented in a tree and Isheehy24 is represented in the beach, two very different environments. To contrast Isheehy24 picked things that are associated with summer by his choice in picking the sun, water, and sand on a beach. Which are the polar opposites of winter. To compare I symbolized nature as a big symbol in my avatar and Isheehy24 did the same with his love for beach days which are part of the outdoors. When looking at Isheehy24 avatar it has a deeper meaning to my avatar when you dive into it contrast to my avatar which is more easy to understand at first glance. 

Spain .. Vacation” by Nick Kenrick.. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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