TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Unveiling Gbrant24: Sock and Buskin in the Digital World

When we find ourselves feeling Anxious or overwhelmed we often resort to hiding. It may not be straightforward or very apparent, but we tend to choose one of two paths: we either hide our pain behind laughter, pretending everything is fine, or we let ourselves cry, drowning out reality. In this case, Gbrant24, I believe he’s hiding behind Sock.

You might be wondering what the hell Sock and Buskin are. Well, I am happy to tell you that they are not just something to keep your feet warm and some weird words I made up for some essays. These terms refer to the iconic drama masks associated with theater. Sock represents comedy, showing a happy, laughing face, while Buskin represents tragedy with a sad esper, In Greek Mythology, Melpomene, the muse for tragedy, wore Buskin boots in plays. This is why the tragic mask is called Buskin. On the other hand, Thalia, the muse for comedy, wore thin-soled shoes called ‘Soccus’ or ‘sýkkhos.’ This is why the mask for comedy is called Sock.

During our class assignment, we were tasked with creating avatars that symbolize our likes, beliefs, passions, and more. Gbrant24’s avatar closely resembles the well-known sock mask, also with two dog paws on either side. The mask is colored green and yellow, showing his favorite colors, while the dog paws stay a more natural brown color. These collectively show Gbrant24’s love for animals and passion for theater.

During class, I had the opportunity to ask many questions about the process of making the avatar. One of my initial questions was about the most challenging aspect of creating the avatar. Gbrant24 responded that the most demanding part was drawing the ‘dog paws.’ He expressed that they were ‘annoying to do,’ which I can certainly understand; replicating dog paws accurately, not just once but twice, can indeed be quite challenging. Continuing my conversation with Gbrant24 regarding the avatar creation, I asked what part he found easiest. He replied, ‘Drawing the Drama Mask.’ This felt natural to him, given his passion for theater, making it a relatable element to include in his avatar. My final question to Gbrant24 revolved around what he would have done differently if there were no restrictions on the avatar’s size, allowing for more creativity. His response was interesting. He said, ‘I would have drawn a tree.’ Upon further discussion, he told me that his passion for the outdoors holds significant importance in his life, which is why a representation of a tree would have been a meaningful addition to his avatar.

Learning about Gbrant24 brought me to a solid understanding of what hiding behind Sock means to him. Hiding himself behind a fake smile to mask his true feelings. He truly wants to show his true self. We should all strive to remove our masks, whether they are ‘Sock’ or ‘Buskin,’ and embrace the world as our genuine selves. Embracing who we are, without fear or reservation, is a powerful way to find fulfillment and connection in life.

File:Theatre Masks SVG.svg” by Matthew E. Semrau is licensed under CC BY 4.0


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