ALacombe24 is an easygoing person who loves to be outside. Whether he’s camping out for the weekend or if he’s going hunting, he loves every aspect of nature. Most importantly he loves to enjoy his time outside camping and having a great time with his friends and family. Lastly, he also really enjoys wintertime in Maine with all the snow and pine trees.
When designing his avatar it did not come easy. ALacombe24 knew exactly what his favorite activities or things to do were, it just was not easy putting it all in one picture. It took a couple of tries to get the right avatar that represents him.
Another great symbol in ALacombe24’s avatar is the blue in red coloring in the background split in half. Both colors represent two different things that ALacombe24 loves. The top half is red and that represents a campfire. He loves campfires because it’s a warm and cozy area to hang out with his family and friends to simply just socialize. ALcombe also said that a campfire is a “Great place to bring people together and unwind.” Campfires are mostly red and orange and those are the colors you see reflecting off of other people or objects so, that’s why he went with that color. The bottom half of his background is blue. It is blue to represent one of his favorite classes in high school, JMG, and also to represent his future job in his home state of Maine. This represents ALcombe24 because he loves Maine, and as graduation comes closer, so does his next step in life.

ALacombe24’s final avatar included many different elements, however, the biggest one in the middle of the foreground was a pine tree. This pine tree represents Maine and all the nature and wildlife that comes with it. ALacombe24 said that he, “… grew up in Maine always being surrounded by pine trees no matter what season it may be.” This is a great symbol to represent the unique nature in Maine and how ALacombe24 was affected by it growing up.
One last element that stood out to me the most was the six snowflakes surrounding the pine tree. These snowflakes are there to represent the big winters in Maine. Snow brings many different activities with it, but one of ALacombe24’s favorite is snowmobiling. He loves going for snowmobile rides with all of his friends throughout the winter and he enjoys the thrill of riding. He loves it when winter comes around for that particular reason.
When making my avatar, I thought ideas of activities and other things I love came easily. I had so many things I love, I actually had a hard time trying to display it all in one avatar. However, once I narrowed it down it only took me two or three tries to create my final product. However, ALacombe24 had a little struggle narrowing down his ideas and making his design just the way he wanted it to be. He also said that one of the hardest parts about making this avatar was drawing. He said, “Placement of the snowflakes,” was difficult and caused problems. Like ALacombe24, I also struggled to make the Spotify logo rings in the bottom left corner of my avatar. Lastly, in my avatar, I had a variety of different things I like or find interesting, and in ALacombe24’s avatar, he had a variety of different things he loves to do with his family and friends, not just by himself. For example, the campfire, snowmobiling, and the JMG elements of his avatar all are different ways he spends time with his friends and family.
Finally, ALacombe24’s avatar is a perfect representation of who I see him as. After talking with him and discussing his avatar, I believe it shows how he is as a person and what he values and spends his time doing.
“A Pine Tree Covered in Snow” by oatsy40 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.