TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

That’s Mint, Dog.

This hilarious but also empathetic story will show you why owning up to your mistakes and take responsibility to your actions are imperative. This story takes place during a dark night in the winter when I was around 5 or 6. I was pretty mischievous child, and I often put my dad in stress inducing situations. I also had a dog named Walter. He and I were inseparable. Walter was a pure beagle. Walter was mostly a house dog and never really got out much, and it seemed like he was okay with that. But I still took him outside and for walks from time to time. But I wasnt the only one that showed affection to him, Walter was adored by my Dad, who we will call Joseph. Joseph was a police officer for Windham Police Department, and I often put Joseph in stressful situations when I was younger, So when you hear this story. It will make you sympathize for my overachieving, hard-working single father.

This story begins around December, as I mentioned before, my dad was in law enforcement for a while at this time and often worked the morning shifts from 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Usually when he got home he would fall asleep almost immediately as he touched his bed. I thought of a hilarious idea while my dad was sleeping, the idea was putting toothpaste on my dog, Walter.

I’m pretty sure the brand of toothpaste was Colgate, so you know he smelled nice and minty. It took me a solid 20-25 minutes to lather Walter up with that lovely toothpaste, and obviously I didn’t want to be the odd man out, so I put some Colgate on myself as well. And after I practically bathed in an entire tube of toothpaste. Walter and I were finally ready for showtime.

Walter and I made our way up those old carpet stairs. Once we made it up the carpet stairs, we walked down the endless hallway and entered the dark and ominous lair of Joseph’s room. As we walked in, Walter accidentally nuzzled his furry little dog head on my dad’s hand that was hanging over his bed while he was sleeping. Not even 10 seconds after Walter rubbed his head on my dad’s hand, he snapped awake and went to see what it was, he noticed the silhouette of Walter and went to pet him. But felt something weird about Walter’s fur. It was pasty and wet. As any person would do, Joseph was alarmed and wanted to make sure whatever was on him wasn’t a serious or alarming matter, so he got up and went to investigate. Unfortunately for Joseph, after he turned on the light to let his pale green eyes adjust to the light and indicate the problem with Walter. He saw that not only was his hand covered in Colgate mint toothpaste, but he sees that his dog, Walter, and his son are covered in that horrific smelling, vomit inducing Mint toothpaste.

I now understand that putting toothpaste on my dog probably is not the best idea, and now I understand that I need to think about my actions before I execute them.

Lola, my Beagle Puppy” by Bukowsky18 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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