TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Masterpiece of Art

Is graffiti art? Many say that graffiti is a work of art, but others say it is vandalism. Depending on the way you look at it, I think graffiti is a pretty cool way of doing art, but if you are doing it in a private space, I think it could be vandalism. But I think if you are doing it in a public space and it fits the theme of the city it would be pretty cool to have art on the walls of a bridge or the side of the building. Something that could represent the city or the state in which you live. I think it could be a good way to get your art out to the world. I believe that graffiti could be the new way of art, but it depends on the place and the time you do your masterpiece

If you do graffiti in a private place that should be counted as vandalism. If you are doing graffiti on a business wall, but you get permission from the business owner and it represents their business, but could also give you a shout-out as well, I think that would be a good way to get your art out to the people. If people could be trained or shown when to use their skills, graffiti could be art, graffiti artists could teach this type of art. “But perhaps there are other ways to cooperate with the graffiti artists rather than just opposing them.”(Dolan)From Is Graffiti Art. This quote from Dolan is talking about if these graffiti specialists were able to help other people and make graffiti a teaching art and show people the way of this majestical Art called graffiti. Most crimes and violence is the most common things that are associated with graffiti because of the art that is drawn after the violence is done and the bad sides of thing in the art Taking away graffiti from people who do it could ruin their lives. I think that even if you do your art in a private place it should be an appropriate picture that you painting. Banksy is one of the well-known graffiti artists his art was beautiful and good people loved Banksy because of the memories that he would show in his art

When doing graffiti in a public place it needs to be appropriate and during a good time if it is about the way of life or drugs or something inappropriate then it should be painted over with black paint and redone and should be blank until someone wants to make another piece of art. Artwork in a public place should not be counted as vandalism because it’s a public place and if it is a type of saying or a picture of a popular or something bad that has just happened I think it should be vandalism and could be a masterpiece of honor.

graffiti, Shoreditch” by duncan cumming is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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