TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Problem offer opportunities is a saying that means to change a problem in a way to grow and learn from it, Using the problem as an opportunity to grow. The saying can apply to any problem and can offer many opportunities to learn from them. For example, if you run into the problem of failing a exam or assignment you take your experience from that and apply it and create the opportunity of passing. The saying, problems offer opportunities is one I have experienced personally and have turned it into a good thing. A problem can occur at a moment’s notice. this can be very unforgiving, but sometimes those problems also open up doors to possibilities. The problem occurred when my dad was needing help with his job and needed an extra set of hands, the solution was me helping. This opportunity was to get experience in a job I now want to work in. The problem that I experienced, gave me an opportunity to learn and experience another side of something.

There are many famous people that have turned problems into opportunities. Like many others Bill Gates learned and moved past his failed businesses and then went on to create a leading technology company called Microsoft. These failed businesses offered the opportunity of experience and lessons learned. The lessons Bill Gates learned turned into a successful business and one of the biggest in the world. Bill Gates learned from personal problems and that created opportunities. The constant persistence and patience is how Bill Gates turned a problem into an opportunity. Problems do offer opportunities and should be met with persistence and patience.

In conclusion, I agree with saying problems offer opportunities and how we should all face our problems and come out with new knowledge, experience, and life lessons. To learn from a mistake or problem is the best way to be your best and be better at turning problems into opportunities.

Opportunity Center” by {Futuretester | Jason Tester} is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.


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