TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience is a Lesson Learned

Patience is something we’ve all heard of, whether it be from the saying “Patience is a virtue” or from frustrated parents asking their kids, maybe even you, to “just be patient!” There are a few times where I’ve had to learn to be patient, and here is one of them.

A time I had to be patient was at Christmas a few years ago, I don’t remember exactly when this was but I know that I was in middle school. So, here it was, eleven o’clock at night, school’s already let out for break and I just want to go to bed. I go to open the door to my bedroom when I hear, “Hey! No, don’t come in here.” My dad calls through the door.

“What? Why not?” I had asked.

“Because I’m wrapping presents in here.”

Turns out, since my room had the only door that could close all the way, my father had commandeered my room to wrap my presents.

“But I’m tired though.” I yawn.

“Just give me a little longer okay? I’m almost done.” He calls.

Spoiler alert, he was not almost done. I was trying my best to entertain myself at the dinning room table, but my head was bobbing and my eyes were drooping. When I went back to my door to check in, only a few minutes had went by, maybe ten, but it felt like it had been at least half an hour.

“Are you done yet?” I tiredly asked.

“No, not yet. How about I bring a few blankets out and an air mattress so you can go to sleep? Then, I’ll wake you up when I’m done.” He tried to reason.

“No, if you’ll be done soon I’ll be fine.” I responded.

“Okay, if you say so.”

I go back to the table and the same thing happens a few more times, until I finally just stopped asking and accidentally fell asleep at the table. I then woke up to my dad shaking me awake and telling me to get into bed and we’ll see each other in the morning.

What I learned was that even if I’m tired, patience going to come in handy because life doesn’t always go how I want it to.

Featured Image: “Snowy Night” by sassmasterkmb is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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