TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

People prefer texting over calling

Lots of people have different preference to either texting or calling someone in a certain social situation. Most people prefer texting than making cell phone calls. The reason behind this is because texting someone is less time consuming then calling someone. It also has it’s advantages of being in a less social situation, having your time still, multitasking, and letting there be a chance to think of what to respond. Staying on the phone is not today’s ideal preferences, especially in a work setting. People from their jobs don’t like to be on call with co-workers. The setting when you’re on the phone and don’t know how to start discussion can be awkward. While there are disadvantages of texting such as not being able to read tone, typing a lot, and having to stay on your phone, texting is more popular in today’s world with cell phones.

Firstly, texting can help with managing time. With texting you can text people on your own time. People prefer to have their own time management to answer on their own. If a person is busy, they’d rather respond when they have the time to. This lets it be less time-consuming than a call. A example would be if you’re busy doing a job, you’re not going to want to talk over the phone while doing your task. Instead you can text when you’re free. If you’re feeling pressured to respond in a matter time than you probably prefer texting over calling, because with texting comes time to think about what you’re going to say to a response to someone. However, this could lead to a disadvantage if the person is badly in danger and needs to get your response quickly. Texting is not a reliable method of getting so someone fast. Which is why if you need a immediate response from someone it’s better to be on the phone.

Another reason why people prefer texting over calling is because it’s more private than a call. Other’s around you in your area can hear what you’re saying to the person on the phone. With text messages nobody knows what the conversation is about. It prevents strangers from tuning into a conversation they don’t need to hear. It lets people have access to more privacy with just the people they intend to let know of something. People having privacy can save someone from embarrassment and being uncomfortable in a social situation. An example would be if you’re talking about how you failed your test. To people this would be embarrassing, and they would want their privacy as to who knows and who doesn’t know. If you send a text message, it would only be seen by the person you wanted to let know. With a call, the person on the other end would be speaking out loud for everyone to get involved and interested in the conversation. This is different though when it occurs to personal life, and business life. People would rather call their boss instead of having a conversation with them over the phone. When people need to reach out to their boss, they’d rather call, and have a quick response instead of not knowing when the boss would notice or get back to your text message.

I’ve noticed in my personal life on how people text more than call each other. I’m able to see it in my school life everyday. It has impacted the student life because it keeps students quiet, conversations private, and they can respond to the other end when it’s the right time they can. Texting will probably be more popular as we grow older too, just because of how it helps us manage our lives, manage our conversations, and manage our time. As we grow with texting it’ll grow more onto us. While entering adult life this wouldn’t change us from preferring calls more. Adults might have to call more often to have appointments, meetings, school boards, and such on, it doesn’t mean they would rather call than text.

Texting” by Ed Yourdon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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