TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Should Your Parents Go into Your Room

I believe that as a child of any age if you live with your parents they have the right to enter your room or see what’s on your phone, as it’s their house, not yours. It’s your parent’s job to raise you to be a good member of society and they can’t do that if they can’t see who you are as a person. However, I believe that a parent shouldn’t do these things as it’s an invasion of privacy and should only be done for the safety of the child as it is important if something has happened and they need to get into the room to help someone who is in the room. As a high schooler, it is hard not to want to just be left alone and do whatever I want, but I know that I would be less motivated to do my school work if my mom didn’t look at my grades and get mad at me for not having school work done on time.

The reason that I think that an adult has a right to more privacy than a child is that an adult is capable of making decisions for them-self and they are also responsible for taking on the price of any mistakes that they make, unlike a teen who if makes a mistake and gets in trouble it’s their parent’s responsibility to take care of it. And if they are in their own home they should have absolute privacy when in their own home but if they go online then whatever they put on the web is no longer in their home and isn’t under the same privacy standards.

The reason that I think children don’t have a right to the same amount of privacy as adults is that they don’t know how they should act and who they want to be and they will try out different ways to act and what they want to do with their life and if they make a mistake like breaking a small law and get busted for it then it’s the parents job to take care of it. And I think the parent has a right to try and make their child’s life as good the possible by preventing them from doing things that they may regret later on, and to do this they may have to invade the privacy of their child to guarantee that they aren’t doing something that their child may regret. I also believe that a parent should give a child privacy as a reward for good behavior and behaving correctly.

Some might say that children do have a right to the same amount of privacy as adults and they would say that they are people too and are on the internet and are looking at the same material as adults and that people hold them to some of the same standards as adults and should be given the same privacy as adults, these are all far points and are good to keep in mind that children do have access to the same online material that an adult has access to but it’s the parent’s job to make sure that the child doesn’t get their hands on these more graphic forms of entertainment, they are also expected to act like adults but without being treated like one and it’s hard not to get mad at people for this but it’s important to know that when a high school aged child does act like an adult it impresses others and makes the parents more willing to give the child more privacy.

Overall I believe that a parent has the right to help their child avoid making mistakes but to do so it may be required for the parent to intrude on the life of their child if they need to find out if they are trying to do something that impacts their life to a permanent degree.

Look at my phone // Paradigm Festival 2014” by Merlijn Hoek is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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