TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Digital footprint

Do know what a digital footprint is? A digital footprint is the traceable data and the activity someone leaves on the internet. Anytime you go to your email, visit a website, or do a survey, you add to your digital footprint. There are two types of footprints you can either have a good digital footprint or a bad digital footprint. People usually tend to try to stay away from negative footprints. Considering a person could miss out on an opportunity because they looked at your digital footprint. It’s important to have a good digital footprint because it could affect a person’s online and offline reputation or could even hurt you in a relationship. It’s important to have a positive digital footprint because employers can see it, could create opportunities, and lastly, it could affect your safety.

When someone looks for a job, they want to have a good resume to get the chance to schedule an in-person interview. Depending on the job, they might do a background check. Most likely looking at your digital footprint. A few things that they look for online are ” An indication of the applicant’s personality/ good communication skills/ groups which the applicant is participating in”. These are just a few things that an employer will look at to see if the person will make a good fit at the workplace. If you do have a good digital footprint it will increase your chances to get that job.

There are many ways for someone to create a positive digital footprint. A person could start a blog page inspiring people, and showing the good of what the person does on social media. Those are just a few things that someone can do to help create a positive footprint. Doing small things like this will help someone in the long run with jobs, relationships, and connections. “For a great example of a person who has shaped their positive digital footprint, do a search for George Couros. He is a school Principal in Alberta, Canada who has his own blog, Youtube channel, social media accounts, and an online digital resume.” This is an example of someone who has an amazing digital footprint by putting himself out there. He keeps it professional but has fun as well. Posting blogs and having a YouTube channel puts your name out there, possibly giving you opportunities that you wouldn’t have before.

Having a good digital footprint can also keep you out of danger. Most people who use social media will always have people who write hateful comments and try to put them down. But if the person is the one who is writing the negative posts and starting drama they are most likely in more danger. They can harass them and their family. “Your community, friends, family, and even your boss can potentially see everything you share or do online. Negative comments, reviews, lewd pictures, and trolling can harm you and your family’s reputation no matter how long ago the actions took place.” Having a negative footprint and putting the person and their family’s reputation is not worth it. When they could create a positive footprint and not have to worry if someone saw it who wasn’t supposed to.

In conclusion, the next time you think of posting a picture or to go rant online think of what it could do to your reputation or your family. It’s important to have a good digital footprint. Because you can get new opportunities by putting yourself out there on social media, your employer could see it which could be great if you have a good digital footprint but could be bad as well. Lastly, having a good footprint could also prevent your family and you from getting harassed.

Work Cited

YouTube: Home, 9 November 2017, Accessed 19 January 2024.

Our digital footprint” by Paul Hagon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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