TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Going To Camp

A time when I was patient was when I wanted to go to camp. My uncle had recently moved up north away from us to our camp in Princeton, ME. My uncle who means the world to me had left, and I couldn’t see him as often as I did. The camp had always been an escape from the world’s reality because life up north was so much simpler. The camp was a double-wide trailer on two acres of property, with another fifty acres up the road. It was easygoing and relaxing. The noise from the four-wheelers ripping down the trail was soothing and the diners weren’t packed to the roof, there was always something to do when you were up there. But once he moved up there, my trips became non-existent.

As the months went on I tried making arrangements to go up to camp, but it never aligned with my uncle’s schedule I had tried to be patient but it was hard. My patience was slowly wearing down and I had begun to get upset and frustrated with the thought I wouldn’t ever be able to go up to camp again. He had been down many times to visit and grab things from his old house, but I could never find the time to go up to camp. We had tried to make it work, but I could never find the right time to go up and see him. He was always busy working, and I was busy with school and work. I hated that I could not go up and see my favorite uncle. It sucked my escape had become my worst nightmare. I had waited almost two more years until I could go to camp. I had been so patient, waiting and waiting until It paid off.

I had been patiently waiting to find a time that worked for the both of us, it was only until this past summer that I could take time off work and go to camp. I spent four great days up there, going to work with my uncle two of the days, and we went on a two-hundred-mile four-wheeler ride one day. Patience is the key to everything in life, I had been so patient and after all the waiting I had so much fun on my trip to camp. I had been so patient and it was so worth it. I was living my best life up there. My patience had paid off in the long run because I wouldn’t trade that trip up to camp for anything in the world.

Patience Pays” by -Reji is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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