TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Unless we just had full world communism, it would be utterly impossible for all nations of the world to live to together in absolute harmony. We can look as far back as we can in human history and see that there has been no other greater risk to humans than humans themselves. A lot of times to solve conflict, we think that the best way to resolve it is through conflict and aggression. This method does work, but there are a lot of other ramifications that come with that method. If we could switch to more peaceful resolutions, many of those consequences could be avoided.  

In some situations people will believe that they have to show aggression to help make sure their point gets “across the board”. If a government is creating and implementing immoral or flagrant acts of civil rights violations, then the people should have their right to revolt against the government and stand up for what they believe in. But the methods in which they believe that should be done is where the controversy comes into play. As a Chinese revolutionary leader would say “A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another”(Tse-tung). He helps and supports the idea that an overthrow of a government is not something that is supposed to be quiet and peaceful. It’s meant to be loud and violent otherwise the higher up authorities will not get the people’s message that they want change and they want it now. The issue with using this method is that now people are dying and lives are being ruined. It does not help a cause when half of a nation’s military is dead and half of its people are now in distress from the aftermath of a war. 

On the other hand, there’s a lot people who believe that peace and love is the only way we should handle future altercations. Their ideology focuses on finding alternative ways to draw attention to their nation’s discrimination and injustices without having to resort to violence. Gandhi, who is one the world’s greatest and most globally known political and spiritual leaders of the twentieth century has stated “Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering, it is the reverse of resistance by arms”(Gandhi). The goal here is to show resilience and morality in the face of adversity, with the hope that it would lead to attention and political reforms.  It’s the hope of relying on government officials to see what is happening through their own volition instead of using anger to display it.

When taking a look at both sides of the discussion, it is an obvious answer that passive resistance would be the better option for the sake of humanity. Killing other people should never be something that we see as a sign of victory or success; it’s immoral and unethical. If the world truly wants perfect harmony, we need to find better alternatives to resolving political conflict.

South Sudan Celebrates Second Anniversary of Independence” by United Nations Photo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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