TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience can be hard to have and keep, we all have times when have patience is challenging. I think having patience is really important for everyone to have. A time when I showed patience was with a elderly couple. I work in a restaurant and I’m a host, my job is to seat guests at the appropriate table and make sure they know where the menus are and let them know their server will be right with them. As a lot of people know there can be a lot of difficulties dealing with elderly people. Some have a hard time hearing, comprehending, walking or moving, etc. It takes a lot of patience to communicate with them at times.

I had this elderly couple come into the restaurant and ask for a table for 2. I started walking them to their table and they have to walk slower because they are older and have a hard time walking. We get to their table and the husband would like me to put the wife’s walker somewhere safe and out of the way until they leave. I went to do so and the wife did not want to give me her walker. the husband explained to her I would give it back to them later on when it was time for them to leave. She continued to refuse the walker going away. After a lot of bargaining with her she gives me the walker to put away. This was a very frustrating situation because I have 200 other things to be doing and this elderly woman is refusing to let me help them out and get back to my job.

Although it might have been hard for me to keep composure and patience when communicating with them, they still deserved my patience and help. It’s so important for everyone to have patience no matter the age because they might just not understand, or maybe they had a rough day and you being patient with them is what helps them through the situation. Having patience is never going to be bad so always having it is always good. Dealing with elder people can feel like talking to a toddler but you have to stick to your patience and communicate.

Old People Sign” by rileyroxx is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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