TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Best Me I Can Be

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best”–this quote from Duke Ellington resembles how making mistakes and overcoming obstacles pushes you to become the best version of yourself. I agree with this statement because every good story of success has obstacles and problems. Every person who is significantly well known for something had problems that they had to face in order to achieve their goals.

One example I found to show how problems can make you better, was from last year’s number one draft pick in the NHL. Connor Bedard has one of the best shots in the league. Connor’s reason for having such a good shot is because when he was a kid, around age 12, he broke his wrist in one of his games. This caused him to not be able to practice with his team which was heartbreaking, but he didn’t want to waste all the free time he had now gained from his injury. So he sat at home and just shot pucks over and over again using just his non-broken wrist. This caused his wrist to become stronger on its own. Once he wasn´t injured anymore, his shots were stronger and faster all because of the work he did with the one wrist he had.

An example of something personal that happened to me where problems made me the best I could be is when I started working for my neighbor, Jason in his shop. Jason owned a company called Northeast Auto, and he did all of his work out in the garage he had at their house. Jason had known me for a while and knew that I was interested in automotive mechanics, so he hired me and taught me pretty much everything I know about Automotive work. If he had never hired me and if I would’ve never worked on some of the hardest projects I worked on, I would not have as much knowledge about Automotive work as I do now.

In conclusion, Problems make you better at what you do. They make you push yourself into working as hard as you can to accomplish your task. What kind of problem has changed you for the better?

Connor Bedard rookie closeup” by JennG is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5.


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