Is social media as important as we all say it is? There are two sides to social media in people’s lives. Some people couldn’t go a day without social media and believe it makes up our society today. Some people don’t see the benefit of social media and believe it’s a waste of time. Although there are opinions on both sides, I lean towards social media being important in today’s society.

In today’s world, almost everyone has some type of electronic that allows them to access the internet and various social media platforms. Social media is used for many different things, not necessarily just for entertainment. Different companies will use social media to further spread their products to grow sales rates. It is also used for updating people on a vast range of topics including public government changes that are made or even big trials that might be occurring. On the other hand, social media is also used for cyberbullying, gossip, false statements, and even repulsive photos and videos. There will always be two sides to everything in life. Social Media has good aspects but there will always be some negative.
Currently, in 2024, social media is a huge thing for everyone. Social media is how society today communicates with each other and how information is spread. It is an essential part of how we live now. Even ten years ago it would have been different, but as we evolve society changes and we get rid of and bring in new norms. Social media was created to allow people, family, friends, and even colleagues to be able to communicate with each other in a faster and more efficient way. It’s made to bring people closer together when they can’t physically be close, and this is exactly what it’s doing. There are social media platforms such as YouTube that allow people to see and learn new things. I have personally used YouTube to help me when I am stuck in math or want to know how to cook a new recipe. I believe social media has benefited society on a greater scale than it’s brought it down. It has brought new ways of communicating and being able to connect with people. It helps businesses grow and promotes new organizations and businesses. It allows for information to be spread and allows people to learn new things and be able to experience things they aren’t physically able to experience. Social media brings new life and new experiences to everyone and helps bring people together.
Social media is the new time and age. My reason for agreeing with this concept of social media benefiting us is because it is what society uses to communicate and function. It allows businesses to advertise and bring people in along with expanding, and lastly, it keeps society updated on what is happening in this world. Social media is important in today’s society, and without it, the world wouldn’t be able to thrive as it does.
“Selfie” by kevin dooley is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Brick District Flickr Photo Sharing Instructions” by brickdistrict1 is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.