TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Trusting Parental Guidance

As senior year has just begun so many responsibilities take a role. Deciphering where to go to college, or even if college is even what you want to invest in. The idea of growing older and having new opportunities and responsibilities sounds great to every teenager itching to be away from their parents, but is bewildering at the same time. The fear of growing up but the fear of being an “unjust kid” for any longer. The thing about getting older is that each birthday, each sport game, each play, you get closer and closer to being off on your own. And at each birthday, each sport game, each play, your parents are telling you to make a wish, are your #1 fans on the sidelines, in the audience cheering you on. My biggest mistake considers not realizing how much impact my parents had on me. From teaching me how to ride a bike to teaching me how to fill out taxes, they were there to help guide me. This taught me responsibility for not realizing my mistake for taking my parents for granted, they helped me grow to who I am now and to come.

I never cared about school in elementary school, and I didn’t care about school in middle school, and especially freshman year of high school. I never took it seriously and I didn’t try, “you need to take your education more seriously” they said like any parent wanted to see their child to receive success. My parents would nag me to do my homework and physically get me out of bed in the morning for school. I didn’t ask questions in class and I never paid attention, the only attention I gave was to the clocks that stuck high up on the walls. I was not involved nor was I interested in seeing my friends outside of school however I played basketball. And that’s all I cared for. I saw my parents as obnoxious and stubborn as they got on my case about school or just about motivation in general. I got lectured and they got upset when my grades slipped. Then I couldn’t play basketball because I was failing. This created significance to me because if I would have taken my parent’s advice I wouldn’t have been in the situation that I was in.

My work ethic and care for school grew the more they pushed the idea on me. Each school year they helped me to get extra help, until sophomore year. I had finally understood their concerns for me and my future, that I didn’t try as much as they knew I could. They then saw me in various clubs, exceeding my classes, and taking education more seriously, and they were there cheering me on. Realizing now that for every “tough love” (like they would say) I was given, every tutor I was forced to was not to irritate me but to help me grow from beneath the dirt and succeed the way they knew I could.

Family” by haldean is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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