TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is Graffiti Art?

Graffiti is something that is displayed pretty much everywhere. It’s in most towns, cities , and urban communities. Some may argue that graffiti is truly a form of Art but personally I do not agree with that. I think that graffiti has unfortunately had a very negative impact on our society and here is why.

Graffiti disregards property rights. While art typically respects boundaries and permissions graffiti on the other hand trespasses a private property at a public infrastructure. Trespassing is illegal meaning that these people commiting the act of graffiti are actually committing crimes. Property owners regularly assess the financial costs associated with graffiti vandalism, including cleanup and preventive measures and it is usually very expensive , taking away from our business owners.

Graffiti can have a negative environmental impact in several ways. Chemical pollution-Graffiti removal often involves the use of harsh chemicals that will release harmful pollutants into the air and water. These chemicals contribute to air pollution and can contaminate soil and waterways if not properly disposed of. Spray paint emissions that graffiti artists often used , use aerosol spray paint to create their work. These spray paints contain volatile ingredients that evaporate into the air during application, contributing to the air pollution.

Graffiti is detrimental. Graffiti can significantly detract from the natural beauties of towns in landscapes. Taking away the aesthetic of the environment in several ways. Beautiful buildings and towns are being ruined by the insanely bright colors and vivid paintings. They look out of place and they look as though they don’t belong. This deterriotes the value of buildings and the success of business owners. Graffiti dimishes curb appeal. No one wants to go into a business if it’s covered in possibly violent or innapropriate slang or visuals. It simply doesnt look good for the company or the compies owners. Potential buyers and investors may be deterred from purchasing the building if its graffiti covered. Leading to decreased property value and financial losses for the owners. In the Video Graffiti: Art or Vandalism Gary Coolati a furniture store owner states “Its not art , it should not put being put on other peoples buildings” Gary expresses how his sales have really taken a hit from all the graffiti plastered all over the walls of his building , signs and even dumpster.

In conclusion, I believe that graffiti is not art. Graffiti has had many negative impacts to our world. I do not think that it should be allowed nor considered art.

Graffiti, Market St” by Salim Virji is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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