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Digital Footprints of the world

There are many different examples of positive digital footprints in the world, It can start with social media and spread all the way down to writing essays online. The Positive sides keeps growing with social media and anything to do with online. Nowadays you can apply to a job with just a click of a button! Blogging is another great way to get you’re information out there and for people to get to know you better. Many people in the US have taken on blogging there daily life and what they do in a day for videos and some even make money on it. Digital resumes are important for students to start practicing for the future.

Social Media is a huge start for people to start their digital footprint. More are positive then others, the more positive, the higher the interest from people. Resumes are a big thing that high schoolers start creating and learning about. ” Its important to to get students thinking about and practicing digital resumes” ( 1) Students who plan to get a job and further their education has a good start to their life when they have a positive digital footprint. Keeping tabs on important life things is another positive outlook for online use.

The digital footprint is tracking your data through what you do on the internet, From emails, websites, to information you submit online, etc. that is something that you can go back to, if needed, which can be very useful. When working online and connecting with others it’s great to have a positive outlook for yourself. Social media like facebook and instagram have a great way to build a profile for yourself “These tools allow anyone to collaborate and contribute in meaningful ways”( 1). There are many ways to get your information out to people. Looking to build a positive digital footprints starts with positive information, which over time will gain more attention.

Positive digital footprints aren’t always the outcome. Negative digital footprints can be shown throughout pictures, articles, or overall negative feedback. It can be hard to notice all negatives which is why teachers took it upon themselves to teach students how to build positivity ” maybe as a teacher we need to show students how to create their own positive digital footprint and encourage them to do so.” (1) It’s not always easy teaching people how to be positive and build a positive profile but it’s something that should be normalized.

As shown there are many different examples of positive digital footprints in the world. Some are there for you to go back to if you need it, others are there to inform and show you different things you might be interested in or that could help. Most online sources are used for teaching ways and to keep information safe. Having a positive relationship with the online world will get you much farther in the life you want to live, however negativity comes a lot when online. The differences are clear, which is why teachers are starting to bring awareness to teaching students the ways of a positive digital footprint.

Footprint” by colmbritton is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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