TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


I am a big procrastinator but in figuring out what I am going to do after high school I am not. I have been thinking about what I am going to do after high school since I was in 8th grade. I have gone back and forth between going to college and going into the military. Going into the military has been a dream since I was little, I never knew when or what branch I wanted to go into. 8th-grade year I knew I was going to go into the military and that summer before freshman year me and my dad talked about going to see recruiters. I started figuring out what I wanted to do earlier on made senior year a little easier because I just had to focus on high school rather than what I was going to do after high school because I already figured that out. Students should try to plan early on before it’s too late so they have a rough estimate of what they want to do.

The summer before freshman year me and my dad went to Portland to talk to a bunch of recruiters to figure out what branch would fit me best I was open to any branch if they convinced me. The first branch I went to see was the Coast Guard and that was a mistake the lady that I talked to was terrible she did a terrible job at convincing me to join their branch, if anything she convinced me not to join the Coast Guard. But I was nice and acted interested but when my dad and I walked out of their office we looked and each other and said “Yea that sucked” and “Definitely not joining the Coast Guard.” We were just going to go home but I remembered that I was also interested in The US Navy Seals and yes I know that’s a stretch and would be a challenge but I liked the thought of nobody believing in me. So my dad and I went over to the US Navy recruiting office because all the recruiting offices were like in this strip mall place and so we walked over to the Navy Office and turns out they were on lunch break but the US Army recruiter was walking by and told us that they were on lunch break and that we should come over to the The US Army recruiters office. So we went over there and sat down with one of the recruiters and the first thing he said was “Why the Navy?” I said because “I was interested in being a Navy Seal” and he said “Nice those are some cool guys but we also have divers and we have special forces like US Army Rangers and Green Berets.” I immediately looked at my dad and smiled and so he told me about the Rangers. He also showed me a billboard that has every job the army offers and there is a lot. This one recruiter opened my mind about the US ARMY I wasn’t looking at it until he convinced me. After I signed up to be in the army and all my paperwork was done life was gonna be a lot easier for me than others because all I had to focus on was school and while I even figured out what I was going to do after the US ARMY so all I had to do was focus on school and pass. Lucky for me the recruiters email your guidance counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate and if you aren’t they will even help you with your homework.

I have never been a school person I always looked forward to going to work and sports. My mom’s side of the family are all blue-collar workers and I love talking with them about things I have worked on, seeing my uncles do their jobs and most of them enjoying them excited me even more, and just made it so I can’t wait to start my life working. Lucky for me I figured out early on what I was doing after high school (Army) and after that, I also figured out (an automotive mechanic or a small engine mechanic).”2019 U.S. Army JROTC National Drill Championship” by U.S. Army ROTC is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

2019 U.S. Army JROTC National Drill Championship


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