TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Are people dumb or is their question dumb?

I think it is true because if someone is generally curious or doesn’t understand something then I think they should be able to ask their question without being judged or humiliated. In this society and in this generation of schooling, students don’t get the right information they need/want. In many cases kids are afraid to ask their question in fear of being laughed at or humiliated by the teacher. In school I have seen many kids afraid to even answer the questions teachers ask the whole class. If a kid is just being annoying and trying to waste everyone’s time than that is another thing but for those who are generally curious they shouldn’t be afraid to ask a ‘stupid’ question. I feel as if there isn’t enough support in the school systems to help students comfortably get the learning they need. Some teachers pick favorites and others pick students they prefer not to like. It’s a hard thing for most people to prove, but when you watch the actions of teachers with other students it comes clear to who is on their good side, which will make it a struggle to get the learning when they are deemed as stupid.

In this newest generation bullying can be looked at in many different ways. Especially in schools and in classrooms. Many students will skip school to avoid seeing people who make school or going out in public hard for them. In the classroom when kids know the answer to a question most will avoid speaking out to avoid the ’embarrassment’ or being laughed at. Most kids just go to try and get their work done and graduate. Unlike the ‘popular’ who make everything about them and the rest miserable, which are those who enjoy going and get a kick out of “being better” than everyone else. This isn’t just a home town issue, it occurs all across the country. Which is why it takes a toll on those who can’t get the information they want.

In my own classroom experience I have felt the embarrassment and laughter from behind my back for doing the work in class or just answering a question wrong. The panic I felt was enough to have me called out to go home. It felt like people didn’t understand where I was coming from and that it was something to laugh about with their friends. It’s not fair to those students who struggle with public speaking, or just those who have a hard time with being in public with people who make you feel uncomfortable. I think teachers should take more responsibility in why students don’t feel accepted in rooms, and I think they have a huge part in what happens/ is talked about in the classroom. No student should feel stupid for asking a question that may seem dumb to others, but is important to that person.

There can be many instances where questions may come off as stupid, or they show how immature the person is and their mindset. When someone asks a question in class and the kids make fun of them for it, it is not fair nor is it a good feeling for that person. It may have seemed like stupid question for others, but for them it may have been serious. In other instances when I have asked a question I have felt the embarrassment and it has been enough for me to not speak out in crowds, classrooms, public. The social anxiety it can cause is severe for some people. Everyone should be treated with respect when they ask a genuine question.

Confused” by CollegeDegrees360 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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