TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Starting Early

Anyone who has attended high school has somehow been affected by college or what life after high school will be like. May that be college for you or the military, maybe the workforce. But everyone has had some type of notice of this inevitable upcoming future. So the question is, should we have been more prepared and maybe even started thinking about this earlier? ‘Yes’, I personally would have had a less stressful experience given I was more prepared for my future after high school.

Getting ready for college for me has been a trainwreck. My parents have been on my case for the last 6 months, constantly asking if I have taken care of said things. Pushing me to apply myself more and more, for every scholarship, every chance to get ahead of the game. Now that it is getting closer, I am happy that they are pushing me to do it. I feel that my stress levels are high, but being prepared is better than being late. I live by the rule of never being late. Everywhere I go, I show up 15 minutes early and sometimes sit in my car waiting until it’s time to enter. But never mind that. I feel that being even more prepared for college would have made my life much easier.

For others, waiting till now probably made it easier for them, but frankly, they were dumb. Waiting till now would have stressed me out a lot. Now don’t get me wrong, some people have the ability to wait until the last minute to get stuff like this done. I wish I could live my life that way, but it will never happen for me. I will always stress about getting something done on time and the need for it to be done early.

Hopefully, with this information, whoever the reader may be, takes that first step to be prepared. Apply yourself now so you aren’t waiting until the last minute. My advice to everyone is, being early is more appreciated than you may think

The Graduates” by Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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