TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

4 More Years…

Hello fellow classmates, faculty, and Alumni My name is Eli Staggs and throughout the past 4 years of our highschool careers we have learned lots of things, some intended, some not. High school has been a journey between learning how it works compared to middle school. In highschool they got rid of recess, the audacity… the school work is on a completely different level than middle school. It’s like a barrage of assignments flung your way. The time management involved is key, and unfortunately one of the things I learned was deadlines are closer than they appear just like how Cade hit that truck with his car because it was closer than he thought.  Some learned the hard way, stressing about if they are gonna pass or retaking classes. And the others that found the time to do their work like they were supposed to, congratulations… I did not.

 Every year it came down to the last day of school. Waiting for that grade to come through. Not knowing if I was gonna have to repeat the class. With immense amount of luck I managed, the most memorable moment was junior year with Us history and government. It was the last day of school and I had just turned in only my finest work to Mrs Camire. My essay’s title was It is what it is, and it was possibly one of the worst essays in the history of highschool. I wasn’t even at school the last day of the year when I saw the grade come through, a 2.0 I had immediately stopped what I was doing at the time went inside and made revisions and submitted it. The essay was still extremely bad but hey… it is what it is. Which is exactly what Mrs Camire wrote when she sent it back with a 3.0 “It is still not great but it is what it is” (Mrs. Camire 2023). I passed the class but just barely, I made an oath that senior year would be different. It hasn’t, it was only up until the last 3 weeks I was ahead and caught up, like the turtle and the hare, I did it slow my work and I still made it.

 It’s been a long four years but we have all shown growth. Mrs Stubbs tells me that my freshman year I never introduced quotes or cited them. When I wrote my sophomore speech it was in shambles. My quotes were all over the place and it was not readable like a drunken child with Parkinson’s wrote it. The growth shown throughout the four years is there,  now I introduce them but Mr Young is right there to tell me it still sucks and I need to revise it, Especially when I had to revise my blog posts 600 times before it was decent enough to post. I have only had one assignment this school year pass the first time. But at least my quotes are introduced.

 But here we are, the school year winding down but we will only appreciate the value when it’s gone. We have learned a lot and probably forgot more. Overall throughout all the stress and struggle with passing Mr Young’s Class. All the long nights without sleep, doing all the assignments we dreaded. Reaching the deadlines we didn’t think we would make, we made it and we learned a great message doing so. No matter what life throws at us, with the proper management and perseverance we can do anything that comes our way. Thank you

Because I’m old-school (aka laptop-less), I took notes with pencil and paper at Blogher” by itselea is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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