TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

4 Years of growth

Public Education, an experience many get to enjoy and many that don’t. American public education is something many wish they could experience and have stories about. For us we didn’t have to wish, we got that and from the first day of pre-K, and kindergarten many of us have watched each other grow into our own independent, soon to be adults. Which is exciting and a huge milestone for us, however it means the end of our time together and all that’s left is the memories in this school and within this classroom. The memories may be the best thing or it could be the reason you are who you are now, however you want to remember it, but cherish it because there are many that would give anything to have this type of experience. 

From my own experience throughout school there are multiple things I will miss. To start it will be a reason to get up in the morning and get ready (sometimes), to be able to feel accomplished by the end of the day for getting a load of work done so you don’t have homework, or the smiles to give to the people you know in the hallways. In the classrooms it will be the talks we had and all the conversations throughout the years, with the many people I shared them with. Waiting for the bell to ring to go meet my friends in the hallway before the next class, especially sophomore year when the vending machine was by the tech room, many memories are held there. In the classrooms with my favorite teachers there was always a fun conversation or plan for the day, even work days were good enough. Picture walking into the classroom to find your teacher has made up a fun lab for us to do that day; picture walking into Mrs. Bouchers class one day and dissecting a sheep brain. The list can go on and on but for now those are the things I will miss most and always remember about high school. 

My biggest regret about high school is not taking as many classes and not joining as many extracurricular activities that I was interested in. To know now that most of these people I probably won’t see again, I shouldn’t have cared so much about what would have been said or thought about me. Coming into high school I was definitely intimidated by the upperclassmen, I wanted to do sports and join clubs but I felt so small that I just hid and went to school then home. I feel school would have been a lot more enjoyable if I had made more of an effort to explore hobbies that interested me, and if I had made an effort to put myself out there instead of being worried about others and the people that knew me. The classes I had taken were enjoyable for the most part but I regret not looking more into the classes the school had to offer, instead I looked at what was the easiest way of getting a passing grade instead of finding ways that will help me in the future and ways to expand my working ways. School felt like a ship at sea during a storm, not always the best smooth sailing but once it’s over it’s clear skies and smooth sailing. Lit terms were never my favorite in English but Mr.Young always had an essay for us to write needing to include. Not always the easiest or the best but once the hard part is over, it’s enjoyable the rest of the way.  High School has made a mark in my life symbolizing growth. I have grown into a person I once never thought I could be, and a mindset I wish I always had. Many lessons were learned along the way and many mistakes were made as well. Learning from those mistakes and growing into the person and almost adult I am today will help me reflect on my past and see how much I have overcome and accomplished. Not everyone has the same story and not everyone has the same struggles, but at the end of the year the bell will ring and we will say our goodbyes in hope to cherish and remember all the memories made. Wishing us all the best of luck with our next adventures and becoming the next best generation. To the Class of 2024 that I watched grow with me, Good luck and have the best life ever!

The Graduates” by Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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