TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Done as Done Can Get

Hello my fellow classmates, I am Egosselin24. Maybe some of you know me, maybe you don’t and maybe I have known some of you for a long time and or maybe I have known some of you for a short period of time. I am not the smartest person nor am I the most funny person to write this essay but my mom always told me I was indeed not the most school smart but I was smarter in other ways but I have yet to find those so I think she was just saying that to make me feel smarter. The important thing to know is that we have gone through this horrible time of our lives but also great times of our lives together. I have made memories that I hope I will never forget for the rest of my life but also I have learned a lot from a lot of you.

To my fellow graduates, Today marks the day of years of hard work and struggles along with sacrifice and perseverance. As you prepare to walk across this stage and collect your hard earned diplomas, take a second and reflect on the journey that brought you here. The all nighters fueled by caffeine and snacks and determination to turn that English assignment in, the countless hours spent on Membean. Just remember today also marks the last time you will ever half to do Membean ever again.

As you step into the next chapter of your lives, never forget all these years of school and things you’ve learned but most importantly move on from these years. Remember that the world beyond these walls is vast and brimming with opportunities. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead with the same tenacity that carried you through 4 years of English, especially senior year English. Let the skills and knowledge you have acquired be put to use wherever you end up going after high school whether it is college, straight to work, maybe even trade school or the military.

Last but not least, never forget the bonds you have forged with your peers, teachers and mentors. The relationships built within these halls will serve as a source of strength and inspiration through your lives. Cherish the memories, the laughter, and the shared experiences that have woven the tapestry of your high school years, And yes we are the most attractive class to ever graduate from Oak Hill High School. As you embark on new adventures, carry with you lessons learned, the wisdom imparted, and the unwavering support of those who have witnessed your growth. Congratulations graduates, and may your futures be as bright and boundless as the dreams that have brought you to this notorious day.

The Graduates” by Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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