TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What Others See

Hello, and my name is Sbonner24 and I’ve done some dumb things but Making a fool out of yourself isn’t always a bad thing. For every theater performance I’ve been a part of there has been a line or action that has made me feel like an idiot, but something that I’ve noticed after all these events is that no one ever seems to remember what I did except for me. One example of me making a fool out of myself was when performing the Shakespeare play The Merry Wives of Windsor the amount of rehearsal time we got for this play was about two months to memorize all the lines and all the actions that my character had to do if you watched the play then you know not all things went according to plan only one or two members of the cast had their line memorized by opening night and the rest of us had to use our scripts on stage and the show well it was a train wreck people didn’t know where they were or where they were going, people were missing their lines left and right but all and all It was fun to be a part of and even more fun to watch. Even with the play not going as planned it still ended up getting more than a few laughs. 

 Another example of being a little crazy not always a bad thing is during physics class MRjumps right up in front of the class and occasionally on a desk he might even throw a shoe across the room to show inertia I’m sure that we can agree that class is more than a little fun when he does so, his antics make me pay attention to whatever he is teaching, whether he electrocutes one of my classmates or sticking a ballon to my bothers head, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the time he went skydiving just to yell 9.8 on the way down so the class would remember the acceleration of gravity, This way of teaching has made my senior year far more enjoyable then if it was just lecture after lecture.

Making a fool out of yourself may feel bad but something that you can quickly realize is that people are too focused on the fact that they think they are looking like an idiot to focus on you doing something stupid so live like nobody is watching because they’re not.

One final thing that I did that made me look rather foolish was volunteering for the part of Oedipus, standing in front of the class and saying some words that I barely understood for some story that was rather weird when you take a step back and look at it, I can guarantee that I look like the biggest idiot on the planet when saying my parts because I sure felt like it, but just like standing up here and giving this Commencement address, what I remember won’t be how nervous I was or if my allergies made me sound like I was talking into a fan the whole time, what I remember will be how accomplished I felt when it was all over, thank you.  

Our charter boat captain Ken preps us to yell My Pole and My Fish if anyone gets a fish on in the Inland Passage near Ketchikan Alaska” by mharrsch is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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