Hello class of 2024. I, Dmillett24, an average student at Oak Hill High School, remember like it was yesterday, being a freshman entering a brand new school and saying that we aren’t, “kings of the school anymore.” I remember like it was yesterday, being a sophomore and saying I have 2 more years to figure out what I want to do after high school, indicating that I had a lot of time. I remember like it was yesterday, being a junior and telling myself that I have a whole another year before I have to apply to colleges, scholarships, and FAFSA. I remember like it was yesterday, thinking about the approaching moment when me, my friends, and my very best friend go separate ways. I now say that I have three and a half months til I start another new school and am no longer a “king of the school.”
In 3 and half months I will be a freshman at Central Maine Community College alone, leaving all of my close friends behind and being forced to start a new chapter after it had just begun to get good. My senior year has been the best year in all of my school career and it is literally all because of the people I grew close to. My friends have been my whole world this past year. They have broken me out of my shell and have done things with me that I have always wanted to do, but haven’t had the friends nor confidence to. Unfortunately, the 3 seniors that I am close with will all be attending separate colleges. I am nonetheless proud of them and excited for what comes to them in the future. With all this being said, I want to congratulate all of the seniors who have made it this far. This is one of, if not the biggest milestones we have made thus far in our life. I also want to mention the students who have not made it this far. You are not worthless and you are not weak. Some people don’t have the means to stay in school or to do well in school and that is your business and your business only. This is not to say that your life no longer has meaning. I truly believe that everyone’s life has a plot planned out. All of the events that have happened so far in our life, is foreshadowing for the rest of the story. All of the characters we meet and all of the side quests we complete, all come together to a conclusion.
Crossroads is a huge symbol used in a lot of writing. I believe that there are no crossroads. You cannot choose a wrong path. The “wrong” path was simply just part of the plot. Maybe the crossroads is just somewhere to choose what episode or chapter comes next, but regardless, it all stays the same and comes to the same conclusion. There are many aspects of my personality/habits I hate, but one trait I have that I am thankful for is having a strong sense of hope. I always know when I mess up, that everything will be okay. I have never known the future. I have never known what I want to do in the future nor who I want to be. I have never had straight goals for myself, but still, everything has worked out. My story definitely doesn’t end here; it only starts as I bloom from the young and scared girl I was, to an older and still scared girl. What I want to leave with you seniors, is to always have faith because the plot needs to continue with its main character.
“Crossroads” by Dominic’s pics is licensed under CC BY 2.0.