TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

4 Years done!

Hello everyone! Wow, class of 2024 we finally made it and got through high school. As a class and as an individual we have been through the ringer in our high school careers. Our freshman year consisted of Google Meets for classes and we were forced to wear masks for the two days. We did go to school for a week. We have overcome so many things in the past four years and for some it was harder than others but we all struggled with one thing: Covid-19. For a year we lived our lives in our houses and were inside all the time and were trapped in our houses. Never did I or anyone expect this to happen to us going into our freshman year of high school.

Everyone has their own struggles and that is just a part of life. During my freshman and sophomore year of high school was a struggle for me. I struggled with a lot of mental health problems and during my freshman year, I never even thought I would make it to senior year let alone graduation. I was an addict and I went through the ringer and genuinely did not think I would make it to 16 to be quite honest. My life was a complete and utter mess and I had no clue what to do with my life. I was so lost in the little world I had created for myself and got lost in it. I had stopped looking at the bigger picture and stopped hoping for better because I did not believe there would be a better. With my addictions that made everything much worse and it was an extremely hard two years that I had to go through. In March of my freshman year my parents decided to get me some help and I went to a place to go get help and get clean and as much as I don’t like talking about it that place helped me get to where I am now. Healthy, clean and happy. Teachers gave my school work to my dad to give to me and when I first got them one of those teachers wrote so many amazing notes to me and that really gave me the kick I needed to realize I am not alone and people do care. People don’t always realize the littlest things you can do for someone could mean so much to them and actually get them better.

 This brings me to someone who was always there for me for three years of high school, Mrs.Stubbs. She is one of the most supportive and understanding teachers I’ve ever met and anytime I was having a rough day she would notice and ask if I was doing okay. She would let me go out in the hall with her to talk about what was going on and what got me so upset or angry that day and she never judged me for my issues. She understood that even though I am still a kid I still had real issues going on and always tried to give me the best advice she could and always made me feel better about the situation. By my sophomore year of high school, she knew so much about me not just personally but school-wise. She knew my struggles with English and essays and what I had a hard time with while writing. She understood some things were more difficult for me and would try to come up with something that would make it better and easier for me to comprehend. Even on the days I did not have her class she was still there for me education wise and supportive wise as well. 

If it was not for her and other teachers putting their faith in me and believing I could make it and beat my struggles I don’t think I would have found the strength I did to fight those hardships to make it to where I am today. When you look at me now you would never guess how badly I was struggling at the beginning of my high school career and I am living proof that someone can change and make it through their hardships they go through and sometimes it takes just one person doing something so small to get that person going again. You will never know if something you told someone made them feel better enough to push themselves and to make it through but you would be surprised to hear how much it does really happen. 

Over the past two years, I have grown as an individual and finally understood that there was so much more to life than what I thought my underclassmen years were like.  I have succeeded in everything I have wanted to succeed in and even was able to go into LRTC senior year for my dream job. My hardships and the wonderful people I have connected with have gotten me to where I am now today being a healthy and determined person. 

Everyone has a different story to tell about their high school journey and all include personal issues they have had on the way and I believe that everyone can do better and beat those issues. Believe in yourself and believe that you can and do deserve everything good in life and good will come to you. Be proud of yourself for all of the accomplishments you have made throughout high school and just take a moment and realize those small things for you might be big for someone else and vice versa. Lastly, to the class of 2024, We officially made it! 

The Graduates” by Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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