TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Behind the Screen

With the creation of social media, many great and terrible things that came with it, as the thing itself is not bad, but the people who abuse it that make it look dangerous to the normal person with the creation of the internet, many things once thought impossible have been made possible allowing people to talk and learn about people from the other side of the world with just the hit of a button.

With the creation of social media, lots of good things came about from the creation of social media, like knowledge about people who live in places that people will never go to or letting them learn truths that they would have never learned otherwise. “Research suggests social media can improve verbal, research, and critical-thinking skills, despite popular concern about the damaging effects of the internet on impressionable youths.” this shows the positive affects that come with the use of social media(Nickelburg, 2023). If social media did not exist many truths would remain unknown to people and changed by people who would stand to benefit from the truth changing, though truths are still changed, social media allows everyone to find the truth themselves a very important thing, especially because the truth can save someone from damnation from the people or bring light to those deserving of it and be punished by the people.

Bad things that come with social media are the affects it can have on the mental health of people with the huge amount of people that use it there are bound to be those who use it to hurt others. “The more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate.”this shows just how damaging social media affecting how people allow themselves to live showing how social media can affect someone life changing how people live for better or worse. (Life Span, 2022). With so many people using social media, some of them are going to use it to hurt others in many different ways, some more harmful than others, but it is not fair for a few people to ruin it for everyone.

With the creation of social media, many great and terrible things followed with it like once unknown and untold knowledge has become a thing anyone can obtain with the simple click of a button, though unfortunately with good comes bad and social media is no different letting people hurt and take from others in so many ways and in my opinion, the positives are better than the negatives of social media.

Cat using a computer” by *Tom* is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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