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The question of which is better call or text is a hard question to answer as both come with some minor or major positives and minor and major negatives, both of which are largely dependent on the subject or subject and the people involved, as those major things make or brake the whole conversation of which one is better call or text as negatives could be positives in a different scenario.

There are many positives and negatives that come with calling though the better option out of the two in my opinion due to the fact that calling someone lets you convey emotion which can be bad sometimes, I believe that emotion is one of the most important things people do. “people tend to feel significantly more connected through communication methods based on voice than they do typing-centered methods. Actually hearing someone’s voice can make experiences better.” this shows that humans react better to things when there is emotion behind a person’s voice. (Rendorio, 2022) emotion allows people to show that they care about the topic that is being discussed, like in my own experience when something good happens a person will normally call loved ones to tell them the good news or bad news when something terrible happens.

With the question which is better calling or texting the one I think is worse is texting as it is harder to convey emotion in texts which in my opinion is very important for interaction between people though texting can be quicker than calling but not by much and can lead to misunderstandings between people as dumb as it sounds without hearing the emotion in a person’s voice it leads the word’s, that people text up to interpretation “a text message, being short and direct in nature, could appear abrupt and critical”. this shows why texting could be seen as negative to people with the lack of emotion that often comes texting that can lead to problems in the future.(Rebane, 2023) the lack of emotion that comes with texting shows why texting can be a bad thing because of the simple fact that it does not let people communicate emotion.

The question on call or text which one is really better in my opinion calling is better while both have their own positives and negatives, in my opinion, the emotion that comes with calling lets people connect to others way better rather then texting that lacks emotion because in my eyes human emotions are one of the most important things that help people convey a feeling or idea.

Cat-Phone” by cbowns is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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