TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Character Development

Hello everyone, my name is Mkauffman24 and I am graduating from Oak Hill High School. Since 8th grade I had a severe case of senioritis, but now here I stand in my last week of high school ever; and completely shell shocked on the fact that I’m never going to walk in the halls again, or wander into my friend’s classes and get yelled at for doing so. 

Over the course of my 8th grade year to my junior year, I saw myself as an outsider of my peers and not able to exactly fit in with everyone else, from moving one school to another; and never really finding myself. This completely changed my perspective on friendships and ruined my confidence in conversing with people inside of my school. I involved myself into crowds that were not the best influence on me, and although I didn’t pick up their habits, I presented myself as someone I’m not.  I knew there was more to rotting away in my room doing no extracurricular activities my entire high school career, so when my senior year at my new school came around, I knew I needed to involve myself in school activities. So I joined the football team. Although we suffered a heartbreaking loss in the playoffs, It helped me connect to all these people on the football team, and enhanced my camaraderie with a larger group of people at school, I still didn’t know a lot of people, and I was getting used to this new way of socializing, I enjoyed this feeling of being known and popular, so after football season ended, I decided to play another sport to further enhance my senior year experience at Oak Hill, so I decided to play basketball. Although basketball was tiring and frustrating as we weren’t very good, It really solidified my social status inside of Oak Hill. A lot more people knew me, and I was able to converse with anyone and not be nervous about talking to people. With this new development of my character, going from someone who kept to themselves, and didn’t really talk to anyone, to a version of myself where I’m able to make conversations with people and not be scared or nervous to do so. 

I now view myself as a different, but better version of myself. I still wonder how I would have formed as a person this year if I did not involve myself the way I did, I wonder if things would have panned out for me, or what type of people I would surround myself with. I wonder if I never participated in sports, would I find purpose in doing schoolwork? I know with highschool sports, the incentive for playing in games is to be passing your classes, so if this wasn’t the case, and I didnt have this thought in the back of my mind. Where would I be standing in the academic standpoint of school? Would I be doing well in school? Would I fail? I don’t think I would be where I am today without the people around me. All the wonderful people that have come into my life this year have only elevated me to be a better person. I thank my coaches, my teachers and everyone in between for guiding me on this successful path. You saved my year. 

As we stand on the brink of a new chapter, let us carry forward the lessons we’ve learned, the friendships we’ve formed, and the dreams we’ve nurtured here together. May the knowledge we’ve gained be the light that guides us through challenges, the courage we’ve cultivated be the strength that sustains us in adversity, and the bonds we’ve built be the support that lifts us to greater heights. We step into the future not just as graduates, but as vessels of hope and agents of change. Let’s move forth on this new way of life with confidence, compassion, and a never-ending pursuit of excellence. Congratulations to us all, And best of luck to all of the graduates of 2024!

(Kauffman, 2012)


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