TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Finding Who You Are

Dear Graduates, Teachers, Families, and Friends,

Today is a day of celebration a day to honor our accomplishments and to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment. As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in our lives, I want to take this opportunity to share a personal story a story of resilience, of growth, and of finding one’s place in the world.

We’ve all experienced moments in our lives when we felt like outsiders, when we stood on the line, longing to find our place. For me, that moment came when I moved here in third grade. I can still vividly recall the mix of excitement and apprehension as I stepped into a new school, eager to make friends and find my place. But reality hit hard. Even though kids were coming together from two different schools, and they didn’t all know each other I was still an outsider It seemed like everyone already had their own cliques, their own inside jokes, their own shared history. And there I was, feeling like I didn’t quite fit in, I felt like an outsider in not one but two worlds, like a puzzle piece trying to fit into two different puzzles at the same time or a drumbeat marching to its own rhythm amidst two different songs. When I first started in the district I was the quiet kid who always sat alone the one who no one really cared about but then I made a friend Britney who some of you might know she would have been in our graduating class this year had she not moved. After she moved I started over still an outsider to everyone I was like a foreign language in a room full of native speakers it was like I didn’t know how to talk to any of you like you spoke a different language from me, but you didn’t and I had to learn that. As the years went on I became friends with the other outsiders, and we formed are own little city among these big worlds. Throughout elementary school and middle school are groups that basically had their own bubbles just floating around in this world, not changing and not disappearing. 

When we got to high school our bubbles starting popping, people started finding out what they wanted to do in life they started making new friends. So new bubbles were forming, and old ones were popping. When I started my junior year is when my bubble finally popped it is when I started branching out from my friend groups it is also when I found sanctuary in the music program and thank you to all the teachers but especially Mr. Fuller for helping me branch out and find where I truly fit in among these crazy worlds. As we come to the end of our senior year hopefully you have found where you truly belong and if you haven’t and you still feel like an outsider then maybe you just haven’t found your world yet. 

Most of us have found are groups here in high school and some of those friendships are going to last a lifetime and some of those friends ships are going to end right here right now. I want you take a look around the room at all these people that you have known for so many years because this might just be the last time you see each other again. This might just be the first time you start over were you feel like an outsider in the real world but as you learn to grow and find what you want to do you are going to find your place, and you are going to find your own city among the big world. 

As we come to the end of this speech, I want to leave you with a simple yet meaningful thought: Embrace the journey ahead. Each of us has navigated our own path to reach this moment, overcoming obstacles, forging friendships, and discovering our own unique identities along the way. In a world that often feels vast and intimidating, it’s easy to feel like an outsider, like a lone drumbeat amidst a symphony of voices. But remember, it is precisely in moments of uncertainty and doubt that we find the opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

So, as you embark on this new chapter of your lives, I urge you to embrace the unknown with courage and curiosity. Cherish the friendships you’ve made, but also be open to new connections and experiences. And remember, even if you feel like an outsider now, your place in this world is waiting to be discovered.

Congratulations, graduates. May your journey be filled with endless possibilities, and may you always find your own city among the vastness of the world.

Graduation” by uonottingham is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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