TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Graduating class

Class of 2024, it’s finally the time we have all been eagerly waiting for, for the past dozen years! First off, we should all be excited and proud of the accomplishments we’ve achieved as a class these past years. There were times when it was really tough and you just had to keep pushing through and that’s nothing to look over. But you also can’t look past all the memories you’ve made and the fun you’ve had growing up these past years. 

My mind is absolutely buzzing like a bee with the thought of high school coming to an end, all that work we put in will finally matter. The hours of grinding work to meet grade checks, the emails that make your heart sink when you realize you’re missing 4 English essays. The constant stresses and efforting to pass and get through high school will all be over soon. I would like to say I’m much smarter than I was at the beginning of my years, but I’d also like to say I’m taller, and that’s not saying much.

Anyway, when you’re walking off the stage graduation day don’t forget the memories you have all made here. These formative years are who you are, and they assure you that you will never be forgotten because this is where you come from. Memories are things you remember, it could be a lesson, could be a party or a fun time you had, or it could even be the hardest thing in your life. But all memories make you stronger, are worth having and making. You only grew up once and your days of being a kid are over now it’s time to flip the page and begin our new chapters of our own books. Good luck to everyone, wherever we go we are still all Oak Hill Raiders, and we have memories together.

Stanford Graduation” by saketvora is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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