TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

How are we’ve come

 2024 graduates, today we celebrate more than a hard earned diploma, we celebrate years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. We also celebrate a brand new chapter in our lives. We have had great memories throughout our years. I mean it feels like yesterday we were running on the playground with our friends with no worries about what the future had in store for us, just us wanting to be with our friends, and while we’ve had a great deal of good memories we’ve also had a few not so pleasant ones, like our last year of middle school and our first 2 years of high school which I will not get into.

However these memories have molded us in ways we cannot imagine. They’ve turned us into the amazing people we are today. This flame that we have created through our friendships, and life choices is a beacon that will guide us to whatever we may face and as we step into the world with all our knowledge along with our strong desire for adventure, we have to remember that this is just the beginning of our the long journey. The road ahead is endless with many possibilities and opportunities that we get to choose from and it is up to us to forge our own path as we cross these difficult choices. Don’t be afraid to dream big and take risks even if you are afraid to fall.

Our greatest achievements come to us in the risks we take from venturing into the unknown and embracing these challenges head on, as well as refusing to let the fear of the unknown hold us back from what we want, make sure to surround yourself with people who inspire you to be the best version of yourself and uplift you when you don’t, and always remember to keep learning, growing, and pushing your boundaries of what you think is impossible to achieve but most importantly stay true to yourself and the values you have gained and created thus far. Use the education we all have as a tool to make positive impacts on not only yourself but those around you. Never lose sight of the power we have to guide our future as well as the world around us. Remember to embrace everyone’s dreams and ambitions with an open mind and an open heart. Our flame is a symbol of our knowledge and passion for what we believe in, and we must guard this flame because it is more than our academic accomplishments. It is our spark that will lead us to what we believe in. So let’s put our hands together and congratulate our fellow classmates of 2024. We outta here. 

UH Hilo Fall 2015 Commencement Ceremony” by University of Hawai‘i News is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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