TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

In The End

Hello school folk, I’m Aiden, as you all should know. Anyways, High School, it was a thing, it existed. Was it normal, no, not by any means. I mean It was as normal as pigs flying.

In no sense is a worldwide pandemic shutting down schooling normal irony. Well actually, no, it sort of is. I mean why wouldn’t a world wide pandemic shut down mass gatherings of people? Anyways, that was just the whole first year or so, so it’s not like it was a big dealio or nothing understatement. It’s not like things got worse, the world didn’t light on fire or anything. Well, at least not for us here at least so it’s completely irrelevant. And speaking of things that didn’t affect us, infrastructure. Specifically the schools, obviously. Don’t drink the water, it’s not healthy, not like I did that anyway, I don’t even eat the food, because I bring my own. And you can’t forget the pipes breaking. Tragic, it’s really tragic what happened with that. A whole classroom, ruined. And it wasn’t a quick fix either, oh no, not at all. but once again it didn’t matter, to those who didn’t have classes in the room anyway, namely myself.

Now what am I saying all this for, making light of all these bad things for? You know how people say that these times are the best times in our lives? And how we’ll look back on them in the future and wish to be back there again? No?, me neither, the best times in our lives, or at least mine specifically would be when I was a little kid. And I sure don’t remember it either, but I do know it was simpler, easier, better. High school, or school in general, isn’t the best time in your lives, but the best remembered times. With this in mind, why make it depressing?, Covid, forest fires, unsafe water, pipes bursting, and so on. Now it’s not like we can change it, and dark humor isn’t the right answer either, that’s the left answer. The right answer is apathy, and separation, it doesn’t affect me so it’s not negative.

The crucial part of apathy however, is to know when to stop. You don’t want to look back on your life and think nothing of it, you should have good experiences as well. You can have friends, enjoyable classes, out of school or extracurricular activities, you should be caring about these as opposed to being apathetic. I personally don’t really care about school, I don’t give it much thought, but I still have things I find enjoyment in. I’ve accomplished things I take pride in. I’ve been kayaking, read a great book, had good food, learned interesting tidbits of info here and there, chucked an easter egg at someone. The point I wish to make is care, care about the good and enjoyable experiences. The negative stuff, pay it no heed, think not of it, it matters not. See the good things to the end, have them last, it’s mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Not in the end. A simple comparison is never letting a sibling live down mistakes they make while forgetting your own. And I mean even if it’s brought up you just don’t remember. Well that’s it I’m done stating the obvious and I’m sitting down now, the end.

congratulations Albany High School graduates! – Albany, NY June 2012” by ricky-from-left-field is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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